Museums To Visit in Santiago

3 min readDec 6, 2022


Museums in Santiago de los Caballeros offer visitors a wealth of cultural experiences. The city is home to 15 museums, including the Museo Nacional de Historia Natural (NMNH), the Museo Regional de Arte Contemporaneo (MRAC), and the Museo Histórico Nacional (MHN). These museums offer unique and historical exhibitions, as well as educational programs on different aspects of Santiago’s history.

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Centro Leon

Centro Leon is a nonprofit institution, which is part of the Eduardo Leon Jimenes Foundation, which was founded in 2003. It is a cultural center which houses four exhibition spaces and a library of media materials and auditorium, as well as multi-purpose lounges as well as the Caribbean menu cafeteria and shops that sells a variety of items, based on and created by national art crafters people from The Great Caribbean.

Casa de Arte

Casa del Arte. It is determined in central Santiago De Los Caballeros. This small gallery specializes on Dominican paintings and culture, a favourite spot for locals to come collectively and talk about the value of artwork in each and every day life.

Museo Plazoleta 26 de Julio

The town of Moca, declared the Villa Heroica, dressed in records and remembrance this Friday with the inauguration of the 26 de Julio Square, a work with which the municipal authorities honor the reminiscence of the heroes who done Ulises Hereaux a hundred years ago. sixteen years. La Plazoleta is a tribute to Ramón Cáceres, Horacio Vásquez, Manuel Cáceres, Jacobo de Lara, Pablo Arnaud and many others such as Eduardo Contín, who remembers the event, remembered as the reality that opened the doorways to freedom in 1899.

Ramón Cáceres Museum

Cáceres Museum is housed in two historical structures in the ancient city centre of Cáceres, declared a Human Heritage Site by means of UNESCO. The Casa de las Veletas homes the Archaeological and Ethnographical sections; it is a constructing whose current element has its foundation in building work, carried out in 1600 by using its owner, Don Lorenzo de Ulloa y Torres, in a website online which can also have been as soon as occupied by using a Muslim fortress which has now disappeared.

Museo Rosita Fadul

The Rosita Fadul Museum is a concept of her son , Lic . Eduardo Villamán Fadul, as a contribution to the country’s culture, who is its owner, his idea, sketch and cultural vision. He tells us that: “It arose from the heartbeat and motivation of my mother, after her death, from the need, for a house to exist, the place benefit used to be recognized, for splendid Dominican women, like these who had now not been taken into account , or forged into oblivion , nonetheless leaving traces and giving his soul , so that we ought to be a higher Nation .

Centro Cultural Eduardo León Jimenes

A stunning series of permanent exhibitions highlight Dominican culture and history, that date back to Taino days in the main floor this center. Also, you will find a visually art room that displays top art works from an annual Eduardo Leon Jimenes Art Contest that was created in 1964 to encourage art and inspire the next generation of Dominican artists.

