Discusso anche su MedShr: ipotesi HSP

Un gruppo di interventi piuttosto consistente ha ipotizzato come era ovvio una Henoch-Schonlein Purpura (HSP)

salvo fedele


Hypothesis (1): HSP — A rather large group of participants @MedShr suggested as it was obvious a Henoch-Schonlein Purpura (HSP)

“Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP), also a leukocytoclastic immune-mediated vasculitis, is a potential diagnosis. In fact, AHEI was once believed to be a variant of HSP. HSP is characterized by purpura, arthritis, abdominal pain, and renal involvement. A key difference between the 2 conditions is the age of onset; typically HSP presents at approximately 4 to 7 years of age and the incidence of AHEI peaks between ages 4 and 24 months. Laboratory abnormalities seen in HSP include elevated immunoglobulin A and decreased complement 3 values. Among the sequelae of HSP are intussusception, gastrointestinal bleeding, nephritis, and nephrotic syndrome. In contrast, AHEI rarely causes significant systemic effects.” (1)
(1) DOI: 10.1542/pir.2015–0119
Visual Diagnosis: Infant with Ecchymoses
Rebecca Butterfield, Bhavita Patel
Pediatrics in Review Oct 2016, 37 (10) e41-e44;



salvo fedele

pediatra a Palermo; mi piace scrivere, ma cerco di non abusare di questo vizio per evitare di togliere tempo al… leggere (╯°□°)