Use DAX In Power BI To Calculate Sales Between Two Dates

Enterprise DNA
2 min readMar 5, 2018


Here I’m going to show you how you can calculate the amount sold between two different dates.

Another way to think about this is calculating rolling sales or running totals.

We need the calculation to be dynamic so that as we move through time we have a number that re-calculates based on the time frame window that we open.

I show you how on any single day you can isolate two dates and then count up the amount sold between those two dates. This is ultimately how you calculate running totals in Power BI.

I’m going to dive in how you can do that with DAX formula. I’m not going to stop there, as I also want to compare running totals between different time periods.

This is a great way to identify trends in your data or showcase outliers that may be occurring in real time in your datasets.

Lots of techniques to extract out of this one tutorial, as well as plenty to learn about DAX formula and how to implement it successfully.

In the video, I also look into the topic of measure branching. This is one technique you’ll want to learn well in Power BI.

Jump in and learn as much as you can. Try to implement this in your own models ASAP to really get the most benefit out of it.

If you want to learn more advanced DAX calculation techniques, certainly check the module below at Enterprise DNA Online. You’ll be amazed at how much more you can do with Power BI.

Mastering DAX Calculations

But if you have questions or needing help with your reports and projects, reach out to me directly through our Members Only Support Forum. I’d be glad to help you sort out your data and find the answer.

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Originally published at on March 5, 2018.



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