Awarathon Introduces Trinity: AI Persona in Sales Simulator

Samantha Sen
4 min readAug 21, 2023


Awarathon Introduces Trinity

Revolutionizing Sales Training: Introducing Trinity, Awarathon’s Groundbreaking AI-Powered Sales Simulator

Sales professionals often face the challenge of honing their pitch and mastering interactions with potential clients. In the realm of sales, practice begets perfection, and the advent of the virtual multiverse has offered an ingenious solution to empower sales experts in refining their skills. Awarathon, a trailblazing AI-driven sales coaching platform leveraging video role-play, has taken a significant stride in this direction with the introduction of Trinity — an AI-generated persona within their pioneering First-Ever Sales Simulator.

Trinity’s mission is clear

To provide a digital training environment that closely emulates real-life sales scenarios. As organizations strive to equip their sales teams with essential skills, Trinity emerges as a valuable ally in achieving these goals.

Harnessing the Power of AI

Awarathon’s Sales Simulator is propelled by cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) technology, validated through the analysis of over 400,000 videos. Boasting a user base exceeding 50,000 individuals representing prominent brands, Awarathon has solidified its stature as the go-to platform for elevating sales proficiency. This digital multi-universe application introduces an innovative training paradigm by immersing sales professionals in one-on-one interactive encounters, capitalizing on the prowess of AI.

Enhanced Engagement

Awarathon’s inventive sales training methodology transcends conventional approaches. It incorporates features such as Rapid-Fire Questions, Gamified Sales Training, and Answer-Based Queries, fostering an engaging learning journey that ensures robust participation and retention rates. With real-time reports, the platform delivers valuable insights into the progress of a sales representative, enabling targeted refinements.

Customized Training Arena

In the ever-evolving landscape of markets and evolving customer expectations, organizations must continually empower their sales teams with the latest skills. Awarathon’s adaptable training arena offers the flexibility to upskill and reskill sales personnel, ensuring their adept navigation through the complexities of dynamic markets.

Revolutionizing Sales Training

At the heart of Awarathon’s Sales Simulator lies Trinity — an AI-generated persona that elevates sales training to unprecedented levels. Trinity serves as a virtual partner, enabling sales representatives to engage in lifelike video role-plays. This interaction occurs seamlessly through either a phone camera or a web screen, delivering an immersive experience that closely mirrors real-world interactions.

Versatile and Adaptive

Trinity’s versatility is a notable attribute. Tailored to the specific requirements of organizations, Trinity can assume various roles — from an irate customer to an enthusiastic buyer, or even a seasoned professional with extensive experience. This flexibility ensures that sales reps are exposed to a diverse array of scenarios, equipping them to adeptly manage various client interactions.

An Authentic Encounter

Trinity’s capabilities extend beyond role-playing. The AI persona possesses conversational skills that emulate genuine client interactions. If the AI detects deception, Trinity can terminate the interaction, replicating authentic client behavior. Furthermore, Trinity captures and translates the performance of each interaction into a comprehensive report. This detailed report empowers team leaders to closely monitor participants’ progress, offering invaluable insights for targeted coaching and improvement initiatives.

Guided by Visionaries

Awarathon’s visionary journey is led by co-founders Harshal Shah and Rahul Ghatalia. With Harshal Shah’s Harvard Law School background and Rahul Ghatalia’s transition from lawyer to web entrepreneur, their shared objective is to revolutionize sales training through AI-driven innovations.

Harshal Shah emphasizes the indispensable role of the sales team within organizations. He underscores the importance of continuous learning to ensure that sales representatives authentically embody the organization’s values while maintaining consistency in quality and brand tone. Shah’s insights illuminate a fundamental challenge in sales training: the lack of opportunities to practice sales pitches in front of actual clients without jeopardizing the potential business.

AI-Enhanced Skill Refinement

Here, Awarathon’s ingenious solution shines. By harnessing AI capabilities, Awarathon has created a practice environment enriched with virtual scenarios. These scenarios emulate genuine client interactions, providing sales reps with a risk-free platform to refine their skills. This AI-powered practice environment significantly increases the likelihood of successful sales pitches when engaging with real clients.

Trinity’s Exceptional Edge

Rahul Ghatalia, co-founder of Awarathon, highlights how Trinity’s introduction has elevated the effectiveness of training programs. Trinity’s remarkable ability to anticipate real-world pitch scenarios and formulate questions based on real-time responses brings unparalleled value to the training experience. This advancement empowers sales reps to enhance their decision-making, adaptability, and communication skills — all critical attributes in the sales arena.


Awarathon’s unveiling of Trinity, the First-Ever Sales Simulator featuring an AI-generated humanoid persona, marks a pivotal moment in the field of sales training. Through the power of AI, sales reps gain a platform that replicates real-world scenarios, equipping them with the practice and experience needed to excel in their roles. As organizations navigate dynamic markets, Awarathon’s innovative approach ensures that sales teams remain agile, confident, and well-prepared to deliver excellence in every client interaction.

