What brings success in Weed Cultivation?

sam Donahue
3 min readJan 9, 2018


One of the crucial questions that you need to ask when you are cultivating weeds for personal use is, ‘What do I need to do in order to be successful with weed cultivation?’ There are thousands of people in the US cultivating different strains of weeds such as Kush strains and concentrate strains. Among these thousands only a small percentage of people are really successful and only a small percentage of cultivators continue their cultivation efforts. If you do not want to just start the cultivation and stop half way or just after the first attempt then it may not be worthwhile to put in a lot of time to learn about the cultivation process or spend a lot of money on setting up the equipment for cultivation.

It is highly recommended that you first decide your genetic strain. You can grow any genetic strain of your choice, you could go with concentrate strains or you could go with Kush strains or totally some other genetic strain but before you select your genetic strain, you should have asked yourself a few questions. Why do you want to choose a particular strain? Does that genetic strain grow well in a given geographic terrain? Are people successful in cultivating that genetic strain? Can I handle that genetic strain as a beginner? Try to answer these questions before you proceed further.

The second key factor is the selection of the right seed store for the ordering of your marijuana seeds. You are going to ensure that you have the finest quality seeds for cultivation. Any mistake here could prove to be very devastative because no matter what efforts you take, you could end up less successful if you do not have healthy seeds.

You should also choose your cultivation spot carefully. If you are cultivating marijuana outdoor, then you should have plenty of sunlight. Marijuana plants love sunlight. Choose a spot that will get direct sunlight most of the day. In case you are cultivating marijuana indoors, then you should have adequate lighting to ensure that your plants grow healthy. Full spectrum lights which simulate natural sunlight should be used. So keep things ready in advance. A quick note on indoor and outdoor cultivation, choose the right kind of seeds based on where you are planning to cultivate.

It does not matter whether you are growing marijuana indoor or outdoor, you are required to give adequate time for your plants on daily basis. One of the major differences between those who are highly successful and those who are less successful in their marijuana cultivation is this, those who are successful spend regular time with their plants and those who are not don’t. If you want your plants to be healthy and if you want them to produce good yield then you will need to set aside some time to take care of your plants daily. Monitor the changes, if they are succumbing to any disease, respond quickly.

Contact :

SeedSupreme Seedbank
Suite B0066, 35 Victoria Road
Darlington, Co Durham
United Kingdom, DL1 5SF
EMAIL ID: support@seedsupreme.com
Phone number : +44 (0) 1325 750 704

