Public shaming, by sharing my goals…

Sam Hainsworth
3 min readJan 1, 2018


It’s that time of year again where we all make lists, goals and resolutions that we swear to keep for the full year only doing so for about 2 minutes. I have no idea why but the start of the year means we want to become someone else… for a bit, then the “lose weight goal” goes down the drain and your on to the second tube of BBQ Pringles… Right?

I’m guilty of it, I make a list every year and barely do any of the stuff on there, but this year is going to be a tiny be different. Like most I’m posting all my goals to Medium, letting all my friends, family and you see how much of this stuff I will do or won’t.

Normally I set myself projects rather than goals, just because it makes me do more creative work outside of my job and this year isn’t any different. There’s quite of a lot of mediums and areas that I’d love to work in but don’t get the chance, so these goals are my opportunity.

So my goals for 2018

Start to write

I’m a terrible writer (this article must be proof enough) and have tried to get into the flow of doing it more, but I always end up being overly critical on my own work and worry that someone might find something I’ve written, take it and post it on a billboard in a public space… it could happen. This is the year I’ll begin my lowkey career as a shitty writer 🤗

More creative collaboration

In 2017 me, Nathan Clark and Kyriakos Kokkinos decided to create something together, we weren’t sure what it was we wanted to create, but we knew we wanted to work together. After 6 months we started up Anyone, a creative meetup in Leeds (check out our Behance case study).

It was the best project I worked on in 2017, partly because we fucked about and made loud noises at each other, but mainly it was nice to work with creatives without a brief or restrictions. We just knew we wanted to create something.

Create a short film

For the past 3 years this has been on my list and I hate myself for still not doing it. I started shooting little bits of footage a year ago for an untitled project and it went no where, mainly due to inexperience with filming and how it works, but this year I’m going to use that to my advantage.

Start an exhibition

A few months back me and a friend (Jamie Moore) were talking about an idea for a exhibition, something that no one really had ever done. I don’t want to give too much away at this point, but its something that I want to put on this year, so check back later?

And some of the more obvious ones:

  • 2018 portfolio update
  • Start and finish One Second Everyday
  • Be more social (I never reply to anyone online 👎)
  • Learn more about UX
  • Get back into drawing
  • Travel more often

So that’s my 2018 planned out for me! I’ll be on here writing a lot more from now on, so if you’ve enjoyed this/ bared through it/ got to the end give me a follow or clap me? Sounds weird.

And Happy new year 🤟

