Book Summary of The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz

Sam MacDonald
5 min readJun 26, 2023

The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz is a self-help book that explores the power of positive thinking and how it can change an individual’s personal and professional life. The book is centered around the idea that our thoughts have a significant impact on our actions, and our actions determine the level of success or failure we experience in life. By adopting a positive mindset and developing an optimistic outlook, one can overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. The book provides practical tips and strategies for developing a mindset of success, including understanding the power of belief, setting goals, and taking action.

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Woman feeling happy in nature

Belief: The Magic of Thinking Big

David Schwartz believes that the most important step towards success is developing a positive belief in oneself. Belief is what drives motivation, perseverance, and determination in individuals. In the book, Schwartz emphasizes the need to develop a mindset of success by acknowledging one’s positive qualities and capabilities. He points out that believing in oneself sets in motion a chain of events that creates a positive cycle of self-affirmation and motivation.

According to Schwartz, the belief in oneself is based on the following core principles:

Believe You Can Succeed and You Will: Schwartz believes that our thoughts influence our actions. He explains that a positive mindset creates a virtuous cycle of proactivity, confidence, and an upward spiral of success. He encourages individuals to focus on their strengths and past successes instead of their failures, weaknesses, and limitations.

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Positive businessman presenting in a meeting

Believe in the Potential of Others: Schwartz proposes that our beliefs and attitudes towards others can also affect our success. He states that by promoting a culture of positivity, respect, and support, we can create an environment that fosters growth, development, and progress.

Believe in Taking Action: Schwartz stresses the importance of taking action and not waiting for opportunities to fall into our laps. He explains that action can create momentum and motivation that lead to success. He suggests individuals start with a step-by-step plan to achieve their goals, and in doing so, they will gradually develop the confidence and belief they need to succeed.

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Business group doing a high-five

Set Goals: The Magic of Thinking Big

The Magic of Thinking Big also provides practical advice on how to set effective goals to achieve one’s desired outcome. According to Schwartz, setting goals is crucial in developing a positive mindset, as it provides the direction and purpose needed to achieve success. Moreover, it helps to overcome the fear of failure, procrastination, and self-doubt.

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SMART goals template

Schwartz advocates for setting SMART goals, which are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. He explains that by setting specific goals, individuals can focus their energies on the tasks or activities that will help them achieve their desired outcomes. He suggests measurable goals so that individuals can track their progress and adjust their approach to achieve their desired outcome.

Moreover, Schwartz recommends individuals set attainable goals. He acknowledges that setting lofty goals can be overwhelming, and individuals may fail to achieve them leading to demoralization a setback on the journey to success. Therefore, by setting realistic and feasible goals, individuals can foster a sense of accomplishment and build momentum towards achieving their ultimate objective. Besides, goals must be relevant to the overall objective, while at the same time emphasizing that it must have a time frame. A clear timeline for the accomplishment of a goal can assist an individual in remaining accountable, focused, and motivated.

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Person writing their goals

Take Action: The Magic of Thinking Big

The third and final principle of The Magic of Thinking Big is Taking Action. Believing in oneself and setting goals are not enough to achieve success. Taking action is necessary, and failure to act will lead to missed opportunities and regret. David Schwartz emphasizes that the key to achieving one’s goals is taking consistent, persistent, and intelligent action, with the purpose of achieving an objective.

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Person taking action

Schwartz highlights the importance of making a plan of action with clear steps that will pave the way towards the achievement of one’s goals. He advises individuals to adopt a can-do attitude, remain flexible, be willing to take a calculated risk when necessary, and learn from their mistakes if they don’t achieve their objectives.

Moreover, he warns against the dangers of procrastination, which can derail one’s progress towards achieving their goals. He advises individuals to create a sense of urgency by setting deadlines, breaking goals down into smaller steps, and committing to taking action daily, even if it’s only for a short period. This sense of urgency will ensure that objectives are prioritized, deadlines met, and progress towards success is achieved.

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Woman procrastinating at her desk

In conclusion, The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz provides a practical guide for individuals seeking to achieve success. Schwartz’s three core principles of belief, setting goals, and taking action are based on the premise that our thoughts have a significant impact on our actions, which determine the level of success or failure we experience in life. Developing a mindset of success, setting achievable goals, and taking consistent and persistent action towards achieving them are the key ingredients to success, as outlined in the book.



Sam MacDonald

My interests include health, self-improvement, cooking, travel, and business. I write book reviews on books that I think will be beneficial for you to read.