10 Ways to Write Creatively from “Show Your Work” Book

Learn how to write creatively like an artist.

Samah G
5 min readOct 2, 2023

A few years ago, I read the book “Show Your Work” when I used to teach English online as a hobby and also to make some money on the side.

I remember the first person I shared this book with was my very first student. I was really excited about the idea of sharing my work online, but at that time, I was not on the conscious level that allowed me to be courageous and share my work.

I was working during the summer while everyone else was taking a vacation, learning how to freelance, working multiple jobs, and trying to find my ultimate value that I could offer.

At that time, I thought that sharing was a great idea, but I wasn’t brave enough to do so. I believed that what I was doing was worth sharing, but deep down, something was stopping me, perhaps a lack of trust or confidence in what I was doing.

Now, I believe that any work, even the tiniest things we do in life, are worth sharing. The fact that you wake up in the morning and make coffee for your friend running late to work is a valuable act to share to spread kindness in this world.

In a world where sharing and connectivity are more important than ever, Austin Kleon’s book “Show Your Work” comes…



Samah G

I help your brand's content stand out on Social Media while providing valuable communication & writing tips.