A Comparison of WWE Championship and NWA Championship

Samaira Rocks
4 min readJul 13, 2023

Summary: In this article, we delve into the history, significance, and critical differences between these iconic championships.

In the world of professional wrestling, the WWE Championship and the NWA Championship stand out as two of the most prestigious titles. Join us as we explore the legacies of the WWE Championship and the NWA Championship.

WWE Championship

The WWE Championship, established in 1963, is the most prestigious title in World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). It has been held by some of the greatest wrestlers in history, including Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, and John Cena. The WWE Championship represents excellence, athleticism, and the pinnacle of success within the WWE.

NWA Championship

The National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) Championship has a storied history from 1948. The title has been defended in various territories and promotions affiliated with the NWA. The NWA Championship has been held by wrestling legends such as Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Harley Race, and Terry Funk. It represents tradition, craftsmanship, and a connection to the roots of professional wrestling.

Differences in Title Design and Presentation

WWFChampionship differ in their title designs and presentation. The WWE Championship features a more modern, sleek design with a prominent WWE logo, often adorned with intricate details and precious metals. On the other hand, the NWA Championship carries a more traditional look, often featuring a large center plate with the NWA logo and additional adornments that vary throughout its history.

Championship Lineages

The WWE Championship and the NWA Championship have distinct lineages and title histories. The WWE Championship has a lineage that can be traced back to its inception in 1963, with recognized champions and a consistent line of title changes within the WWE promotion. The NWA Championship, however, has a more complex lineage due to its history of being defended in multiple territories and promotions affiliated with the NWA.

Promotional Affiliations

The WWE Championship is exclusively defended within the WWE promotion, which is globally recognized and has a massive fan base. The title is prominently featured on WWE programming and pay-per-view events, ensuring significant exposure for the championship and its holders. On the other hand, the NWA Championship has been defended in various promotions affiliated with the NWA, providing exposure across different territories and fan bases.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: How is the WWE Championship determined?

The WWE Championship is typically determined through a combination of storylines, character development, and in-ring competition. Matches are scheduled, and the winner becomes the WWE Champion. Sometimes, championship opportunities are earned through qualifying matches or tournaments.

Q2: Is the NWA Championship recognized globally?

The NWA Championship is widely recognized within the professional wrestling industry, although its global recognition may vary. The title’s prominence has fluctuated over time, with different territories and promotions putting varying levels of emphasis on the championship. However, the NWA Championship remains a prestigious title with a rich history.

Q3: Can a wrestler hold both the WWE Championship and the NWA Championship simultaneously?

In theory, a wrestler could hold both the WWE Championship and the NWA Championship simultaneously if they were competing in both promotions and emerged as the champion in each. However, due to the separate affiliations and schedules of the promotions, it is doubtful to see a wrestler holding both titles concurrently.

Q4: Are the WWE Championship and NWA Championship unified?

At different points in history, there have been discussions and attempts to unify various wrestling championships. However, as of the knowledge cutoff date in 2021, the WWE Championship and the NWA Championship have yet to be officially unified and remain separate titles within their respective promotions.

Q5: How often do the WWE Championship and NWA Championship change hands?

The frequency of title changes for both championships varies and is influenced by factors such as storytelling, rivalries, and the overall direction of the promotions. It is not uncommon for the WWE Championship and the WWF Championships to change hands several times within a year, but the specific frequency can fluctuate greatly.

Q6: Are there specific rules or criteria for winning the WWE or NWA Championship?

The rules and criteria for winning the WWE Championship and the NWA Championship may differ slightly between promotions. Generally, winning the championship involves defeating the current champion in a sanctioned match or winning a championship tournament. However, the exact stipulations and qualifying factors can vary based on the storyline and the decisions made by the promotion’s management.



Samaira Rocks

Meet Samaira Rocks (Sangeeta Sharma), an SEO specialist with 7+ years experience: On-page, Off-page, Client conversation etc.