Clinical Methods to Treating Different Kinds of Depression

Summary: The following article provides brief information about depression treatment and its proven clinical methods to overcome depression. The right up will help you to understand how depression can cure with the help of an expert.

Samaira Rocks
4 min readNov 3, 2022

Depression is a very life frightening mental illness. The suicide rates are receiving higher and higher because of unhappiness. Something requirements to be done before the mental disorder turns severe. There are so many methods you can get treated from depression. Each technique of treatment is dissimilar from one to another. Treatment of unhappiness may be costly to very cheap or does not have any cost associated with it.

Treatment options that are very operational to get hold of unhappiness are:

· Medication

· Psychotherapy

· Combination of Medication and Psychotherapy

· Electroconvulsive therapy

· Self help

Medication method is a bit costly method and involves side effects. Psychotherapy is a very real option and is also a costly action. Other treatment methods like Self-help for depression and searching help from other people family or friends is a cost free action methods.


Medication is the most usually used treatment for unhappiness. Medicines set by specialist doctors are used to cure depression. Medication treatment includes side effects. Side effects of medicines vary medicine to medicines. It is a bit luxurious treatment so before going for the treatment, it is necessary to reflect your pocket.


Psychotherapy is also a very real treatment for unhappiness. It does not include any side effects whatsoever. Psychotherapy also mentioned as “Talking therapy” Involves anunhappy person and a specialist. Behaviour, emotions and other things of a depressed person are absorbed under this treatment option. This treatment option may include family and friends of unhappy person as well as a part of whole analysis process. Psychotherapy is measured as one of the premier depression treatment centers in New York. The cost of this action varies reliant upon the accuracy of the specialist.

Electroconvulsive Therapy

Electroconvulsive therapy is also one of the effective conducts of depression. Electric current is used in this treatment to cure unhappiness. ECT is the wildest way to get rid of unhappiness among all the other treatment approaches. It is most real for those that have severe depression or suicidal tendencies because of unhappiness. It is effective in those vases as well where patient does not respond to other treatment approaches. ECT may become unsafe treatment if not administrated carefully. ECT is set after the treatment methods of Medication and analysis under Psychiatrist’s care and administration.

You can also rely on other approaches like self help, friends help etc for unhappiness treatment. Self-help is the main treatment for unhappiness. As the main cause of depression is our own mind. If we can do certain arrangements to get rid of those negative thoughts that lead to depression then we can easily get hold of depression to become severe from initial state.

Interpersonal Therapy

Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) is gaining popularity in the psychosocial therapies arena. It is a major depression treatment that highlights the importance of correcting present social dysfunction. It is a short-term psychotherapy lasting for about twelve to sixteen weeks. IPT focuses on present psychological problems that cause interference with social relationships.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a type of major depression treatment that deals with the pessimistic attitude of a person that leads to the feeling of depression. The theory behind this kind of therapy is that the person feels too much self-criticism and rejection. This promotes the feeling of depression and causes the person to isolate himself from the crowd, creating loneliness and more depression.

Cognitive behavioral therapy works to remove the negative thoughts a person has for himself. One method associated with it is providing take home activities that aims to break the habit of negative thinking.


Hospitalization is needed for major depression treatment under circumstances that are considered emergency. When we say emergency, it means that there is a risk of a person committing suicide or even homicide. The person becomes unable to handle his own basic necessities, such as food, shelter and clothing. It is also recommended when medical diagnostic procedure is necessary.

Antidepressant Medications

Antidepressant medications are another major depression treatment. There is still some controversy as to whether this kind of treatment can provide more benefits or injuries. This type of major depression treatment needs to be studied carefully. Most anti depression medicines have side effects that may be hard for a person to bear. Close medical assistance is needed while the person is under antidepressant medication.

All the above-mentioned major depression treatments have been effective in relieving the depression symptoms and helping a patient get back into the track. The depressed person or the family of a depressed person will have to decide which among these types will provide wellness for the patient.



Samaira Rocks

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