Facebook Bot Creator? Open source solution!

2 min readMay 24, 2017


The Startup Grind Team Free Code Camp BA freeCodeCamp Hackernoon

Hey all, this is my first post on medium so please take it easy on me ;)

So whilst I was working at a company we decided to create an in house solution to help the company gain bookings (You’ll see references to this and the company all over the source code at the moment.. to be cleaned up)

We found that creating a Facebook bot that could respond to prospective clients and book them into a seminar directly from a Facebook advert was so successful we decided to go ahead and create our very own Facebook Bot Creator so that others could profit and best of all.. Make it Open Source!!!


Conversely Frontend Lots of work to be done but the basics are all there

Conversely allows you to create your own Facebook bot by requesting permission page_admin and other vital permissions from your Facebook account and then allowing you to choose a page to manage.. you are then taken to a screen which will have a fully functioning CRM and flow creation.

The back end is written in Python2.7 with TornadoWeb and MongoDB. The front end is Typescript -> ECMA Script, SASS -> CSS and all combined through the amazing power of webpack :)

A Fractured System

At the moment we have 2 systems, the old one created in house which works on the backend and has a modular CRM and the new one (Conversely) which works (somewhat) on the front end but not the back end….

This is where YOU come in.. we need ANY help we can get to help combine these systems, write documentation, touch up the UI or even create us a logo :).

The project is over at https://github.com/sam-aldis/Conversely/

We would truely appreciate any help getting this system up to a point where anyone can download it and start creating bots or extensions to the system.. Even if you don’t think you can help please share this with anyone you think could.

Many Thanks,

- Sam Aldis






Founder of ukjp - check out our publication on here ukjp.labs - software engineer — started age 9. This years languages: Rust, Typescript + Node, Python, R.