Low Praise, High Praise or To Be Praised
I believe “Praise” has started with the beginning of mankind. We all love to be praised. Sometimes we are overwhelmed when someone is praising us. There is no doubt everyone loves to be praised even if they do not praise anyone else. Is there a level for praise known as high and low? Let us explore about praise.
Here I define low praise as the most natural praise presence in today’s society. It’s natural for one to praise somebody for the blessings, gifts, for the grace to do various things, for loved ones, etc. Simply for the benefits he or she received from the specific person. This type of praise is quite common and natural.
Do you praise someone without any benefit? Can we praise a person for who he is even though that person causes a loss for you or your loved ones? Can you praise somebody for the grace he has given to others to do things well? Can you praise your enemies those who reject you, persecute you, humiliate you or misunderstand you for at least one of their good qualities? If you can make up your mind to praise when you are in such a condition, it is definitely high praise.
Most of the human creatures are lazy to open their mouth to praise someone. But they are expecting others to praise themselves. You can easily praise someone at no cost. You can praise others in several ways. There is a popular habit of praising a person in front of that person from whom the person praising is expecting merit. No doubt this is low praise. Praising the soul in front of him or her without expecting any benefit is another way of praising. By all means, that’s high praise. The same way you can praise a person when he or she is absence in the scenario too. If you are praising that person’s absence for some benefit, it falls into low praise. If you praise without counting on credit for you, it is high praise.

Whatever the praise level it is, I believe praising is a generous act that everyone can do. There is no cost for praising someone. If you have no habit of praising, it would be hard to make it a habit. But those who do not praise others, also love to be praised. You do not do anything special to be praised. Just open your mouth to praise others with low praise and continue towards high praise. Then praise will automatically find you as Newton’s third law of motion.