3 Best Text Editors for Coding in 2022.

Sara A.H
5 min readSep 4, 2022

If you are a beginner in the world of programming and confused to choose the best text editor that works for you? There is a lot of stuff on internet about a single topic that confuse anyone especially, a newbie.

But Don’t worry I am here to give a list of 3 best text editors after a great research and personal experience.

Let’s start with our discussion

In 2017, my favorite text editor was Notepad++. Fast forward to 2019 , Notepad++ been surpassed by some other text editors The top three, I would pick 2019 are :

1.Sublime text


3.Visual Studio Code

Sublime text:

Sublime text was developed by. Jon Skinner, Sublime HQ on 18 January, 2008.It is a shareware, cross window source code editor written in C++ and Python.

Pros of Sublime Text:

1.Massive Package Control:

It has been around for over a decade now and with that comes a lot of stuff as it massive package control that allows you to really make it look however you want, feel however you want .

2.Handle large projects:

Next pro I would say for sublime text, handles very large projects very very well it’s not gonna be a stumbling block when it comes to switching over from one aspect of your project to another .

3.Cross Window:

It perfectly works in MacOS , Linux as well as windows OS.

4.Support multiple languages:

Using Sublime text allows its user to work with different languages such as C++, Python, JavaScript in a singles editor.

Drawback of Sublime Text:

The one thing with maybe called a drawback, there is ever nagging box that asks you to buy the tool. You’ll get that pop up box maybe once every few hours or so it’s not horrendously annoying but it does always reminding you that You gotta buy it eventually cost for it from one seat is about 80 bucks .So, if you got a bigger team you can really see how the costs that would expand .


The second tool I wanna talk to you about today ,is called Atom. Atom is a free, open source hackable text editor which was first released on 26 February, 2014 by GitHub.

It is worked with MacOS, Linux and windows Operating system. It was initially written in coffescript and LESS but not converted in JavaScript.

Features :

1.Package Control Conversation:

The first feature of Atom is the package control conversation. we just talked about setting up soon as you have Atom on your computer you’re up and running you’re ready to add plugins ,do all kind of cool stuff to make your text editor as customized as you need to be for whatever particular project you’re working on .that’s a huge plus for them

2.GitHub project:

the second pro and probably one of the more important ones it’s developed by GitHub. Now GitHub, if you’ve ever used it before it’s a wonderful, very well known, versioning tool that allows you to work with multiple developers.

3.It’s 100% free

Another thing it does have going for it it’s not necessarily another pro but it is 100% free. In fact, they’re not gonna be throwing a pop-up asking and bought a full license.

The Downside of Atom :

It performs a little slow now .

If you’re working on smaller projects fire won’t notice the difference between sublime text Adam whatever but if you’re working on bigger projects we are navigating from one screen to another as I mentioned for sublime text the last thing he wanted any lag to slow you down it can really throw off your you’re moving you’re proving you’re doing your thing the last thing you want is your text editor to be your stumbling block it’s something they’re always gonna be updating and working on it.

3.Visual Studio Code :

The third tool, I wanna talk with you guys about is, so close to my heart Visual studio code .

Visual Studio Code is a source code editor made for MacOS, Linux and Windows Operating System developed by Microsoft.

It is electron based written in Typescript, JavaScript, HTML and CSS. It works with variety of programming languages like JavaScript, python, C, C++ , Nodejs.

The default setup it’s fantastic in my opinion it’s actually beyond text editor and more of an idea now I know there’s people out there who are selling themselves .I wanna use multiple different tools for my ID setup integrated development environment which is fine I get it I really do but if you’re just trying to crank out a project something like Visual Studio code putting it all in one spot when your terminals right there with you and your debugger and your source control .

Pros of VS code:

The reason Visual Studio kind of landed on my list today it’s my top three , it has everything in there that you would kind of want it to have in its skills with you so if you’re a brand new developer hop into Visual Studio code and I challenge you to get lost.

1.User Friendly:

The GUI of VS code is so straightforward that even a newbie could understand it very easily. It provides customization of themes and text colors that help you not to get bored while coding.

2. Support variety of languages:

As I mentioned above, it supports many markup and programming languages like HTML, CSS JavaScript, C , C++ and many other. If you are a beginner it I for you .

3.Build-in extensions:

VS Code comes with a lot of extensions like live server, prettier etc. that make your programming career easier .

4. Additional settings :

It comes with a variety of settings and shortcuts like Emmet Abbreviation , world wrap and a lot of keyboard shortcuts which gonna save your bulk of time.


To wrap this up, I will say I’ve been huge fan of splined text for many years but I must admit Visual Studio code stole my heart .

So, if you are just starting your programming career would not go anywhere but Visual Studio Code.

