Samanta Woods
5 min readOct 22, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Work Based Learning Initiatives

Work based learning refers to the activities that happen at workplace giving structured learning knowledge for learners via exposure to occupation range. In work based learning initiatives, learners study through observing and doing the real work. Work based learning enables teaching institutions to prepare the adult learners to the economic demand. The economic demand requires workers that have academic knowledge and skills, those that have enough experience and are adaptive to any working conditions.

There are quite a number of advantages associated with a work based learning initiative. One of the advantages is that work based learning initiatives create connections between actual work and what is taught in class. When adult learners engage in work based learning, they acquire knowledge that enables them to relate and practice what they learn in class. Another advantage is that adult learners start to pursue their courses with a sense of purpose. As a result of the work based learning, adult learners gets to know what is expected in the workplace. This enables them to concentrate on what is required in the career field. Work based learning initiative enables adult learners to interact with other professional people with positions that they would like to acquire. Adult learners exposed to work based learning, interact with people in the same field of specialization who have high appointments. This encourages the adult learners to work hard with the motive of attaining similar position in the future. Work based learning initiative enables adult learners to have experiences that are advantageous in their learning. Through work based learning initiatives, adult learners have the advantages of practicing and acquiring experience which improves their skills. Another advantage is that adult learners are able to develop experience, which enhances self-esteem. When adult learners are exposed to work based learning, they are able to get opportunities that help them acquire skills and experience, and to experiment with what they learn in class. This enables them to feel capable; therefore self-esteem is built. Another advantage of work based learning initiative is that it expands the horizon and awareness of future work options for the adult learners. Work based leaning initiative enables the adult learners to acquire relevant study experience that are legal, safe and that comply with the rules and regulations of the state. Work based learning exposes adult learners to actual working conditions, where they learn about rules and regulations that govern work places.

Another advantage of work based learning initiative is that it enables adult learners to acquire knowledge about appropriate planning. When adult learners get opportunities to learn in the workplace they work with machines and offer services that have good timing. This enables them to acquire knowledge and effectiveness in appropriate planning. This also enables the adult learners to improve in time management. Work based learning gives adult learners a merit of experiencing other connected programs at the place of work. Adult learners specialize in a specific field. When they get opportunities to study at the workplace, they acquire exposure to other professional field that is related to their field of specialty. This is important since some fields work hand in hand and the adult learners should have some basic knowledge about them. Work based learning initiatives also help adult learners to mingle with other people during the working pragmas. This enables them to improve their social life.

Another advantage of work based learning initiative is that it enables an adult to acquire good communication skills. Communication is very important, and it is a necessity at any place of work. When adult learners engage in the workplace learning, they learn more about communication skills, which prepares them for their future careers. Adult learners also get an opportunity to be trained by non- teaching staff, such as supervisors. This enables the adult learners to understand their courses in a better way since the supervisors teach out of real life experience. Adult learners also get motivation and encouragement from experienced workers. This encourages adult learners to put efforts in their courses.

Work based learning initiative is, on the other hand, affected by several disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is that adult learners can spend much of their time in the workplace; therefore, they lack enough time for their studies. As a result of exposure to workplace, adult learners can be over carried and spend a lot of time in the place of work. This denies them the opportunity to study; therefore, reducing their effectiveness. Another disadvantage is that work based learning initiative exposes adult learners to a wide field of study. Adult learners specialize in specific fields. During the time of work based learning initiative, they get engaged in other fields of learning, which can contradict them in their field of specialization. Work based learning initiative can induce a negative opinion towards the adult learners’ future career. This can happen if during the work based learning initiative the adult learners come across unpleasing supervisors. This can also happen if the adult learners happen to come across harsh working conditions in their work based learning initiative.

One more disadvantage can occur if an accident happens in the workplace, and the adult learners are victims. This can induce fear to the adult learners, thus promoting them to have a negative attitude towards the career. It can also be challenging since the learners are not covered with the insurance policy that covers the workers that work in that workplace. If such an incident occurs, adult learners are forced to take care of their medications. It is also a demerit to adult learners who get involved with the productive sector of the workplace, but get no pay for their work. Most companies’ pay little money while others do not even pay for the work those adult learners do during work based learning initiative.

Another disadvantage is that some workers take advantage of adult learners and overwork them. This leaves adult learners exhausted to the point that they are unable to study after work yet they do not earn the pay. In the workplace, some workers who have high appointments have acquired their positions from experience, but they did not perform well in their education. This can demoralize adult learners and make them reduce efforts in their studies. The other disadvantage that adult learners can come across in the work based learning is exposure to corruption, and nepotism. Some institutions where adult learners go for work based learning, are affected by corruption, and nepotism. These are dangerous characters that an adult learner can learn and utilize them later in his career.

The other disadvantage is that some organizations do not have strategies that govern the duties and responsibilities that should be allocated to learners during work based learning initiative. This can lead to overexploitation of adult learners during work based learning initiative. Adult learners may acquire poor skills if they happen to join a work based initiative, where workers in that place also have poor skills. This can affect them in their future career since they might not manage to give standards services in their specialized career.

The article was prepared and published by the professional writer from best resume writing service — Samanta Woods.