Spring From Death to LifeThis poem came out of thinking about how each spring everything goes from dead to alive. It makes me think of how before we are in God, we…Aug 13, 2017Aug 13, 2017
B.L.E.S.SThis poem was created around the sermon series of the same name. It was to get us thinking of all the different ways that we can bless…Jul 30, 2017Jul 30, 2017
What Were You Fighting For?Come across this poem in my notes. Not sure exactly what inspired this one, but it would seem it has to do with standing to fight even when…Jul 30, 2017Jul 30, 2017
The True FixNot sure exactly how this poem came about. I came across it in one my notebooks. But I can see that it has to do with the fact that the…Jul 23, 2017Jul 23, 2017
Dependent on YouOne Sunday at church, the sermon was talking about the Israelites in the desert after they had escaped Pharaoh and crossed the Red Sea…Jul 16, 2017Jul 16, 2017
GrumblingThis came out of a discussion during life group about how God didn’t intend for us to complain. That complaining brings everyone down…Jul 9, 2017Jul 9, 2017
Independence to DependenceAs humans we are terrible about asking for help. We don’t ask often because we are afraid of losing control, be seen as vulnerable and…Jul 2, 2017Jul 2, 2017
LabelsOur last sermon series at our church was on labels. How we label ourselves, how the world labels us, and how our only true labels come from…Jun 25, 2017Jun 25, 2017
WavesWe cannot save ourselves from our troubles. It is impossible no matter how hard we try. We simply cannot do it. We are hopeless on our own…Jun 18, 2017Jun 18, 2017
PoemaOur sermon on Sunday was about how we are God’s masterpiece. We are God’s handiwork and that He made and created us for a purpose. Each…Jun 11, 2017Jun 11, 2017