7 ways to raise your vibration quickly

Samantha Ong
8 min readMay 12, 2020


Believe it or not, we all calibrate at a particular frequency and vibration, every single thing in this world that is matter is made up of energy including you. Low vibration feelings include fear, anxiety, guilt, and shame, etc. High vibration feelings include peace, love, joy, and bliss, etc. We all exist in a spectrum of the vibration scale.

Photo by http://www.angelshealingpath.com/

Have you ever take a look at someone for the first time and sense that the person has a negative vibe or carry feelings or fear and anger? Or have you ever met someone for the first time and felt a fleeting sense of joy and exuberant radiating out from that individual. That’s most likely your intuition picking up on the vibe of the person, and true to be told, these feelings never lie. Don’t ever dismiss the idea of feeling it, it’s most likely you intuition warning or attracting you to that individual.

The higher the vibration, the more spiritually evolved and authentic you are. The lower the vibration, the more we let negative feelings to manifest in our system. We thus need to heal to move on to the next level.

Vibration is the combination of what we think, feel and act. We can consciously choose what we want to experience in our day to day basics by being intentionally aware of our state of mind and our actions. We need to practice the act of discernment by choosing activities that uplift our vibration instead of activities that drain us.

Signs that you have a low vibration

  • You constantly self-sabotage yourself
  • You have low-self worth
  • You have addictions
  • You have a narrow-minded view of the world
  • You have feelings of fear, shame, anger and betrayal
  • You have lots of limiting beliefs of yourself
  • You are only driven by your ego
  • You loathe failure
  • You hate being judge/ look down upon by others
  • You try to control people or certain aspects of your life
  • It’s hard to forgive yourself or other people
  • You are ungrateful
  • You suffer from mental illness like anxiety and depression

Signs that you have a high vibration

  • You are constantly grateful for the present moment
  • You manifest things really easily
  • You have high self-esteem
  • You intuitively know you are divinely guided and supported
  • You are creative
  • You have a child-like sense of wonder
  • You are optimistic and exuberant about life
  • You forgive yourself and others very easily
  • You receive a lot of signs and synchronicities
  • You are open-minded and always see the bigger picture
  • You let your higher self guide you instead of your ego
  • Your intuition is getting stronger
  • You live in the present moment instead of the future
photo by Elly fairytale from pexels.com

As a spiritually awakened person, it’s in our life path and process to heal and transmute negative emotions such as panic, fear, shame, and guilt to infuse positive vibration such as love, peace, and joy into our being. These feelings are the core of our true innate nature. In reality, we are eternal spiritual beings having a human experience and not the other way round.

Through the awakening experience and the constant discipline and choice of staying in high vibration, we get to recognize the divinity within us that we are not separated from source but in oneness with it. Our natural vibration is always high, it’s time to discover the truth of who we are and connect with the universe.

Here are 7 ways you can do to raise your vibration….

Practices to raise your vibration

1. Listen to high vibration music

The music that we listen to subconsciously get absorb into our mind. It’s important to choose our music carefully as it can influence our subconscious way of how we think feel and act. Music too exists in various vibrations. For example, songs that have harsh tones like metal music are often low vibration, songs with lyrics that include emotions of fear, shame, and guilt are also often lower in vibration.

High vibration music includes healing music like meditation music, mantra music, or classical music. All this music actually soothes our soul and has the ability to unblock our chakras. This music actually uplifts our vibration in a short amount of time. It also has certain health benefits like it reduces depression and anxiety, relieves pain, and enhance your memory.


Meditation is the easiest and natural way to raise your vibration. In meditation, we bring our attention here to the present moment, hearing our breath and our surrounding, tuning in into the depths of our soul. It’s a space where clarity and awareness emerge into the space of our being.

It’s a space where we are very aware of our subconscious impulses, thoughts, and emotions. We are able to be more aware if there are any negative vibration feelings that manifest itself. This way we can recalibrate our thoughts to let higher vibration thoughts and emotions shine through instead. This is the space where we can practice the art of discernment, to choose what to let in into our energy field.

3. Take a walk in nature

Nature is healing for the soul. There’s an ever nurturing energy presence in the stillness of nature with only the sounds of birds, wind, and tree rustling. There’s a depth of solace found within this ambiance making it easier for us to feel serene and calm. A wave of peace and serenity will begin to set in into our being.

We can make use of the healing energy of nature to increase our vibration. I think it’s one the ways of how the divine actually presents itself to us. After the walk, you will notice that you feel increasingly lighter and at ease with the motions of life. With just 30 minutes of walk, you can feel the difference in the state of your being, you will feel much more revitalize than before.

4. Be aware of your limiting beliefs

More often than not, we have limiting beliefs playing in autopilot at the back of our minds. These include phrases such as ‘I am not worthy’ ‘ I am insufficient etc. All these limiting beliefs are just stories that make us trapped in lower vibration instead, it’s keeping us stuck and creating a lot of resistance. To break free from the chain, we first must be aware of our own limiting beliefs.

Awareness is the key to breaking free, it’s the first step towards change. By being aware, we are able to shift our consciousness in a whole new way, no longer trap in the old identity and story.

After you are aware of this, make it a conscious choice to program your subconscious mind into a more positive way of thinking. Make sure the high vibrational feelings of love, bliss, and peace is running on autopilot instead. We can do this by saying or writing more positive affirmations like ‘I am worthy, I am beautiful, I am love’.

By believing in that new state of being, we program ourselves into the high vibration emotions, raising our vibration to a higher place.

photo by Sam Willis from pexels.com

5. Watching high vibrational content

Ever watch a horror movie and begin to feel fear after watching the content? When we watch these kinds of low vibration content, we subconsciously absorb low vibrational emotions like fear, shame, and guilt. We start to absorb stories and beliefs from that content that are not even ours, this is the mainstream media trying to programmed us into a lower vibration state keeping us unaware and trap. This actually keeps us in low vibration.

High vibration contents include movies, books, or series that inspire and motivate us, this content propels us to be a better version of ourselves. We are able to gain profound wisdom and insights from it. You walk aways feelings more confident about yourself and more positive emotions will manifest in your being. Examples include all spiritual content and documentaries. Your energy and vibration field is being elevated to a higher level.

What we consume actually influences how we think, act, and feel which is then play out by our subconscious. You would want to gravitate more towards the high vibration content, you need to be aware of how you feel after watching certain content and make the adjustment necessary.

6. Eat high vibrational foods

Even food has a particular frequency attach to it, it’s important to choose our food very wisely. Processed foods like fast food, hamburger, and chicken have a really low frequency of 3–5 Hz. While vegetables such as broccoli, celery, and fruits have a really high frequency of 70 Hz.

The things that we put into our body will really affect your vibration throughout the day. Eating too much-processed foods will make us feel really drain and sluggish and give rise to certain health conditions like diabetics, heart disease, stroke, etc that will inevitably lower your vibration. It creates a lot of resistance in your body, your system cannot work effectively.

In contrast, high vibration foods actually uplift our mood throughout the day, it helps to nourish our body by providing us essential nutrients needed in the human body. These nutrients are needed for our system and organ to function effectively. It also lowers the risk of you getting any chronic illness such as diabetics, hypertension, etc.

By eating right and participating in our own healing process, we are able to raise our vibration more easily.

7.Practicing gratitude

It’s really important to focus on what we have instead of what we lack. There are so many things to be grateful for in the present moment. Look above you, do you have a roof above your head? Are you currently breathing right now? Do you have money to buy food? Most of the time our basic essentials are already met to let us function as a human being.

I recommend keeping a gratitude journal, every day write down 3 things you are grateful for. By doing that we can change our subconscious mind way of thinking, feeling, and reacting hence raising our vibration.

By practicing gratitude, we are it actually opens up a whole new portal. We actually align ourselves to the vibration of abundance which is one of the high vibrational emotions to feel. We felt so much lighter than before with negative energies and resistance fading away. This is the core and natural state of our being, we feel more alive than before and can manifest things easily.

I believe awareness and discernment is the key to raising our vibration. We can all tap into the frequency of the universe, we just need to be aware of what’s resisting and holding us back from being who we are meant to be, as we let go of the old beliefs, habits, etc, we can welcome new positive habits into our lifestyle and being.

From then on life will never be the same again. :) I would like to hear from you, are you currently practicing anything that I have mention above, I would like to read your experiences. :) I hope this information is helpful in creating the lives you truly desire.



Samantha Ong

18-year-old girl on a spiritual journey, I aspire to connect you to your divine self thedivineinsights.com