If Tomorrow Never Comes

Samantha R
2 min readNov 25, 2018


I sit here wondering,

Wondering what if tomorrow never comes?

Can I say that it was all worth it? Can I say I lived to a fraction of my potential?

If tomorrow never comes,

Was it all worth it? Was it worth the blood that was shed for me?

The worries, the arguments, the fights, the grudges? Were any of them worth it?

If tomorrow never comes,

What was the point of being in a state of dissatisfaction until my dying day?

What was the point of sailing through each passing day without living? Without living to a fraction of my potential? But a fraction? Why ONLY a fraction? If it wasn’t to the fullest of my potential……………..What was the point?

What was the point of waking up each morning and serving the wrong master?

Claiming to serve the Good Father but really serving the worldly leader.

I sit here wondering,

Thinking of my dreams, my goals and my aspirations. As I journey along to make these a reality, how am i walking?

Am I walking with purpose, lifting those beside me, shining a beacon of light to those around me, or will I do all of that later? Once the journey is complete.

Is my destination more important than my journey?

Image: https://newquayactivitycentre.co.uk/dawny-sunset-surf/

So if tomorrow never comes,

Did my journey help anyone? If not, what was the point?

If tomorrow never comes,

Can I say I made a difference?

Can I say I made her smile?

Can I say I made him smile?

Can they say, she made a difference?

Will I wake up in the rightful place?

But most importantly, If tomorrow never comes,

Will he say well done?

If not, what was the point?

