Diary of Depression

Samantha D
7 min readFeb 12, 2021
You with the sad eyes…

First off, I’d like to state that I am not, nor have I ever been, suicidal. This is part of what makes me feel like my daily struggles are something that might be help the average person understand the thought patterns and day-to-day life realities of a mild- to moderately-depressed person without worrying that they should be reporting this to the authorities or trying to ‘save’ this person.

I do not need saving.

I am a very open and transparent person by nature. I believe in sharing my story with people in order to take ownership of it and help myself feel less ashamed of it. I openly discuss my depression and anxiety with family and friends, and even coworkers sometimes, in an effort to normalize it.

This is my life. I don’t think it’s going to suddenly go away or I will be ‘cured’. I have been being treated for depression for almost 6 years now. I have had good times, bad times, and average times, but it doesn’t go away. Part of this is because depression can be caused by chemicals in your brain, neurological cell connections, faulty mood regulation by the brain, and more. While the causes of depression are complex and I don’t claim to understand them, one thing I do know is that it’s not just a case of being really sad or having a crappy life.

I have a good life.



Samantha D

I'm just an average person, trying to change peoples' perceptions and understanding of mental health issues. I am an open book and hope my story helps people.