Eco-Friendly Electric Fireplace: Does It Provide Much Heat?

Samantha Gibbs
5 min readJul 25, 2016

Whether an electric fireplace provides enough heat is question debated by many. Some say they do and some people say they don’t. Problem is people have to understand how an electric fireplace works.

It is not like a wood fireplace or a furnace. They are not meant to be a whole house heat supply. If you want to heat your whole home with one you will need more than one to get the job done. Fireplaces are zone heat suppliers. Meaning that they are meant to heat only a certain amount of square footage.

They are not set up like a furnace and a huge blower system to heat a whole house and independent rooms equally.

They are great options for rooms or large open areas. So take that into consideration when getting the most out of the BTU’s that the electric fireplace puts out.

If you understand how they work then you will surely love what they can do for you.

Room Coverage

Each fireplace can put out a different amount of BTU’s. So the more BTU’s the more square footage they can cover. So if you have a large home, you may need several depending on your square footage.

One will not be efficient enough to heat a whole home. So pick according to the size room or what you want it to use it for. Standard electric fireplaces put out around 4,000 BTU’s which is enough to heat up to a 20 X 20-foot area.

Electric and Infrared

There are two main types of electric fireplaces on the market, regular electric and infrared. Infrared do tend to put out more BTU’s than a standard electric fireplace. However, they are meant as a zone heater as well, but they will cover more square footage.

You can get infrared electric fireplaces that will put out up to 8,000 BTU’s which is a pretty great output than a Gel Fireplace.

Portable Heat

A bonus to electric fireplace heat is that in most cases it is portable. You can easily move most units from room to room where you may need them. Which is great when you just need to take the chill off in a room.

As long as there is a working plug in you will have heat. T

hat makes them also a great option for areas like a game room or a basement that only needs occasional heat as well.

So the final verdict is yes, they do put out plenty of heat when used as intended.

If not used as intended for the type of heat source that they are you won’t be happy. If you are looking for a whole house solution, you will have to buy a few. Otherwise plan on sticking to a traditional whole house furnace system to take care of the whole house.

Electric fireplaces are a great heat solution for commercial use as well also especially in places like cabins, vacation homes and even motels. Where heat isn’t needed all the time but is there when you need it.

Electric Fireplace FAQ’s

Whenever you purchase anything or are thinking about purchasing anything, there are always questions. So when you have questions you are going to want answers. That is no different when you are looking for answers to the most common electric fireplace questions out there. So we have taken the time to compile some of those questions for you, as well as the answers for them.

Hopefully putting you at ease with your choice or purchase.

Is There Any Permit Require to Install?

No, since most don’t even require installation permits are not necessary.

Will It Plug into a Standard Outlet?

Of course, most electric fireplaces on the market will plug into any standard 120V outlet. Only direct-wired fireplaces will not.

How Much Area Will the Fireplace Heat Cover?

The size of the area your electric fireplace will heat depends on your fireplace. Each fireplace puts out a different amount of BTU’s. The higher the BTU amount the more area it will cover. These are also meant for zone heating means they will heat a certain amount of area. They are not a whole house heat source. To use as a whole house heat source, you will need more than one.

How Efficient Are Electric Fireplaces?

Electric fireplaces are almost 100% efficient. They don’t require venting or a chimney, so you get to retain use of virtually all the heat provided. Which makes them one of the best options for energy efficiency. Saving you good amount of money in the long run over other options.

Are Electric Fireplaces Portable?

Electric fireplaces can be easily moved from one place to another making them a great versatile heater.

How Is an Electric Fireplace Controlled?

Most electronic fireplaces have controls right on them. Some also do offer a remote control as well for control. You have full control on output, so no electric goes unused.

Are There Any Fumes or Gases?

Electric fireplaces emit no fumes or gases, making the safe for people and pets. They emit no smoke either, so you will smell nothing.

How Much Maintenance Is Required?

There is virtually almost no maintenance when owning an electric fireplace. They omit no fumes, gases, smoke, soot or ash. So there is no cleanup needed, just an occasional wipe down with a damp cloth to remove dust and such. It has no chimney so no chimney inspections or cleanings are needed.

Those are the most frequently asked questions for people buying or thinking about buying an electric fireplace. Owning an electric fireplace can be an enjoyable experience. The electric fireplaces on the market today have safety in mind. They have been built to be safe to use and have many different types of safety things in place. Some offer automatic shutoff, some have timers, overheat protection and more.

So you can be sure you will be safe as well as saving yourself some much needed money when it comes to heating. So it is a winning situation in both areas choosing an electric fireplace. A great electric fireplace will also last you for many years to come as well.

