Donut County

Samantha Go
5 min readMar 11, 2022


The gameplay in the game “Donut County” is very simple yet satisfying. Challenging the limits of what you can consume with the hole makes me determined and focused on what I can do to make the hole bigger. I loved how satisfying it was to consume smaller items and then be able to move on to consuming bigger items or making the hole big enough to tip over/move bigger items. I love how quirky the dialogue and characters are which really helps establish how silly the game is.

I understand why the game is as successful as it is, the game has a cast of unique characters and personalities that help create the fun and humorous atmosphere of the game. I also enjoy the cute art style and I love how cute BK looks. Despite the game being very minimalist, the game is so complex in its environmental puzzles. I enjoyed how creative each item was and the different environments and how each item corresponds to the environment. The game requires a lot of creativity and logic from players in order to get bigger items to fit.

The game succeeds in showing how the game plays through the comedic story that shows the establishment and the outcome of BK’s actions. From the beginning, the satirical story is set up through the dialogue between BK and Mira. Afterwards, the game instantly engages the player in its mechanics and gameplay which makes the player addicted to how satisfying it is to consume items.

I finished the Gecko Park level

Donut County’s Lenses:

Lens of the Venue: This lens impacts the overall environment and gameplay experience for the player. The items in the game are in harmony with the different environments presented in each level. The rocks, plants, and animals are suitable for the desert environment of the first levels of the game. Additionally, items in the environment are used to enhance the level and gameplay in a way that's more fun and challenging. For instance, in the level “Ranger Station” the player has to make use of the snake in the cage in order to knock all the chickens onto the ground. This makes for a fun additional challenge and allows the player to experiment with using the snake to effect other elements in the environment.

Lens of simplicity/complexity: The concept of the game is pretty simple to understand for players but additional factors in each level creates more complex problems for the player to solve. For example, the goal in each level is the same, consume every item in the environment, but environmental challenges arise that require the player to think outside of the box in order to clear the level. In the level Beach Lot C, the player has to use the hole to light up a firework, and then swallow the firework, then they have to move the hole to certain areas in the environment in order to get birds off a wire and make a picnicker fall off a cliff. When I first played that level, it took me a while to figure out that was the objective. The game takes a simple concept and makes it more complex with each level in order to prevent the game from being too easy/simple.

Lens of accessibility: The main puzzle/challenge of the game is self-evident and pretty easy to pick up on when it’s first presented. The main mechanic of the game which is that the hole gets bigger after consuming more items is very reminiscent of early flash browser games or games like where the snake eats glowing orbs in order to grow bigger while avoiding bigger snakes. Due to this, players will want to experiment with bigger items and see if they can somehow manipulate bigger items in order to fit them inside of the hole. I found myself doing this a lot, I would try to tip over bigger objects while the hole was still small to see if I can somehow fit it in while the object is angled or rotated a certain way. This aspect of Donut County draws players in and makes them want to experiment with the capabilities of the hole.

I tried tipping the object over to see if I could knock the racoon off or try to fit it in the hole somehow

Lens of Pleasure: Donut County is very satisfying for the player which is one of the main motivations of the game. It’s very satisfying to watch items that were previously too big to fit inside the hole fall/get consumed by the hole after the player puts in the effort to make it grow by consuming smaller items. The progression from only consuming smaller items and then moving on to the bigger ones and then the biggest item in the level is so rewarding and satisfying to see as a player. Additionally, there is no way to lose the game since there are no time limit and the only requirement is to consume all of the items in the level. This makes the game very comforting as well because it makes Donut County the perfect game to play when you need to unwind, or you want to play something that’s not intense like games that involve combat.

Lens of Flow: The goal of the game is pretty clear from the beginning and aligns with the players goals as they attempt each level. The player is determined to consume every object in the environment until they’re satisfied. The only potential distraction in the game is some objects that are intended to make each level complex. The player may get distracted and start playing around and experimenting with how it interacts with the environment. For instance, in the level Ranger Station I kept playing around with the snake that was sticking out of the hole. I kept trying to make it swing around and I tried different things to make it swing around faster which distracted me from completing the level at a faster pace. While may have been a big distraction for me, at least the snake was essential/tied to the goal of the game. After completing each level, I got the hang of what I can do to make bigger objects fit through the hole and looking for objects that can easily be missed like plants, rocks, or other small objects. Over time, my skills required to play the game improved and made levels easier for me to complete.

