How to Add a Section on Shopify

3 min readMay 15, 2022


If you want to add a section to your Shopify store, you’ll need to create snippets to define its layout and appearance. The header and footer of a section should contain HTM tags or Liquid tags, depending on the section’s schema. Similarly, dynamic sections require presets to be added to the section’s file. These presets define how the section will look in Theme Editor. They must be named and have a category. What are Shopify sections? Know here.

Blocks are customizable modules that form sections of a page template. By inserting blocks, you can add text, images, links, buttons, and more. Certain Shopify themes limit the number of blocks a page can have, preventing you from using every possible section on your page. Fortunately, these blocks are optimized for use with Shopify themes. Adding a block is easy, and blocks are customizable modules. You can get Shopify sections here.

To add a section on Shopify, you need to select a theme. There are two options: dynamic and static. Static sections are located in theme layout files, while dynamic sections are placed on website pages. Once added, dynamic sections are easily customized in the Theme Editor. They allow you to edit their appearance, style, and layout to fit the aesthetic of your site. These sections are great for increasing the visibility of certain products and allowing your visitors to navigate them easily.

You can also use a template to customize a section’s content. A section is a special content type that Shopify creates for you. A section can contain any kind of content, from text to images. In addition to generic reviews, you can also add product-family reviews. This way, if you have a product-family-based template, all the reviews will appear for all of the products within that family.

After creating a new template, you can add sections to your shop by assigning them a name. These will be grouped together by category in the theme editor. Then, you can fill in the sections by clicking on blue Add new section. Just make sure to give the section a unique name. This way, your visitors will know what to expect when they visit your site. A section will be active once you assign it a name and theme. Kindly visit this website for more useful reference.

You can also rename sections within the section editor, so that your shop’s layout and flow are more optimized. You can rename sections by clicking “Add new section” and copying the contents of the existing one. Once you have made a selection, go to Online Store > Themes> Customize to change the appearance of the section. You can also change the section’s appearance by modifying its CSS.

If you want to add a different section to your shop, you can customize the theme by editing its code. Then, you can upload an image, change the alignment, background color, and so on. You can also add more sections in the theme, if you like. If you’re not sure how to do this, you can also get assistance from the theme developers. If you don’t know the theme code, contact them directly.

