7 Jobs That AI Will Replace by 2025

Samantha Kang
5 min readJan 19, 2020


Artificial Intelligence used to only exist in movies, in science fiction, but over the past decade AI has been replacing jobs, according to CNBC 30 percent of jobs risk being taken over by AI.

Recently, one of the biggest tech guys of the industry Elon Musk stated that “AI will make jobs pointless.”

This has hence led us to wonder what jobs will be replaced by AI in the near future? This has also led us to worry whether our own jobs will be replaced. Therefore, I have compiled a list of jobs that will be replaced by AI in the near future, and also a list of jobs that probably won’t be replaced.

Jobs That Will Be Replaced

  1. Taxi and bus drivers.

Thanks to Tesla, and semi-automated driving is becoming more and more available to the general public, and it definitely won’t be long before fully autonomous vehicles take over public transport and taxis. Around an estimated 2 million jobs in the United States will be lost once this is technology becomes widely available to the public.

2. Doctors

Have you ever seen movies with robotic surgeons? The rise of robot doctors are now closer to reality than fiction. Vinod Khosla, a legendary Silicon Valley investor, has already stated that robots will replace all doctors by 2035. Using machine learning, AI evaluates large amounts of data, that lets AI make very accurate predictions and recommend interventions that will greatly help patients. Ultimately, if you think about when doctor robots will be in charge more accurate and cost-effective treatments will be delivered to patients without making any intuitions or assumptions. So perhaps AI taking over some job can greatly benefit the world, as in this case it will definitely help enhance medical care. But one problem with this will be the fact that robots can’t ever replace the touch of human doctors.

3. Soldiers

No more bloodshed on battlefields, no more wasted lives on the battlefield, no more families will cry because of the death of their children at war, soon robots will take over and fight for us. During America’s war on terror with Iraq, robot soldiers have already come in the form of weaponized drones that were being used by the U.S to assassinate enemies. This might not necessarily be beneficial for the world because this just goes to show how are weapons are becoming more and more dangerous.

4. Telemarketers

Have you ever heard those annoying calls that want to market some product? Well, guess what. You will probably start receiving these kinds of calls from robots soon. Unlike other sales roles , telemarketers don’t really require that much to be successful. And think about it are really likely to purchase from a telemarketer? Conversion rates for direct telephone sales are typically less than 10 percent, making this role one that will definitely be automated to reduce costs.

5. Factory Workers

One of the biggest victims of AI will definitely be factory workers. This will leave many people jobless as these factory workers often don’t have any other skill. In China, a technology company started using AI and fired 590 people, their defect rate for products dropped by 20 percent. They even plan to decrease their number of people from 60 to 20 soon.

6. Proofreading

If you do a simple search over the internet you will definitely find many proofreading softwares and apps, like grammarly which more and more people have began to use. While editing is a more complex job, proofreading is a much simpler job that AI can do. Detecting grammar mistakes and other errors can easily be automated through different apps.

7. Receptionist

Automated phoning have the potential to replace the role of a receptionist in the near future. Even automated touchscreen system could replace this role very easily. This is already happening in many modern companies that can afford this technology. In fact, in two hospitals in Belgium, robots are already taking reception duties.

Jobs That Won’t Be Replaced

Now, onto a list of AI-proof jobs for the near future.

  1. Writers

Writers need to write original content out of other’s ideas situations, or their own imaginations. Writers need to have feelings and creativity, and this is something that AI won’t be replacing soon. Do you really think that AI will be able to write an article like this soon? Well probably not, as writing relies largely on emotion, one of the things a robot lacks.

2. Psychiatrists

Robots can never comprehend the deep issues within the human mind, the feelings we contain. As I have stated before robots and AI probably won’t be having complex feelings in the near future. One can argue that AI robots like Sophia have feelings, but for the time being this kind of advanced technology won’t be widely available to the general public. So it is quite impossible to have a robot psychiatrist right now or at least in the near foreseeable future

3. Scientist and Inventors

AI can always help analyze data for scientists and inventors, but robots cannot invent or be very creative. “AI needs to be given a goal to optimize,” Lee writes in Time. “It cannot invent.” While what Lee stated is true, AI has become more and more creative, for example in 2018 AI used such optimization to create a portrait of a fictional person. But for the near future I think we can safely say that AI won’t take over these jobs.

4. Lawyers

This is a job that relies on one’s ability to argue, and this is also a job that requires the skill of persuasion, both skills which robots don’t have. It is nearly impossible to develop a robot that can reason with another human being. At most courts robots can help in terms of processing evidence but robots can never persuade a judge, at least not for the near future.

5. Software Developers

Creating innovative and useful software or applications is something that robots will probably never be able to do. This job ironically also includes developing AI, using creativity which AI can never actually do. In this field, you need to have the skills, passions and the creativity. Perhaps AI can create AI in the future, but this won’t be for the near future.

6. Human Resource Manager

The hardest jobs to automate are the ones that involve people, because artificial intelligence often lack the touch of humans, and this job is one that involve managing and developing people. Robots aren’t people who can manage conflicts of other people, robots can’t truly understand humans, hence this job won’t be replaced by robots soon.



Samantha Kang

A young aspiring author. “Life is too short to be at war with yourself”