Melanie Marden Shares the Inspiration Behind Her ‘Cure This’ Documentary and ‘Save Your Life’ Book

Samantha Lehman
3 min readJan 12, 2023


Melanie Marden has a recognizable name and face in the entertainment industry, featured in movies, television shows, and on the runway. Having worked as an actress, producer, and model for decades, most would assume that the Toronto native spends most of her time behind the camera. And while that may have been true several years ago, she has gracefully exited the Hollywood scene while hoping to serve a much bigger purpose in life.

Although acting and modeling were two of Melanie’s many passions in life, the loss of her mother to brain cancer in 2008 left a hurt in her heart like no other, leading her down a path to self-discovery. During this period, she felt a strong urge to dissect every piece of information she could find on cancer and cancer therapies, and what she found would change her life forever.

“Many people ask me why I decided to leave the entertainment industry. But I feel like it was necessary for me to do so to serve a bigger purpose in my life. After my mother’s death, I felt compelled to learn more about cancer and the many cancer therapies used to treat patients diagnosed with this disease. My research led me down an incredible path, where I even had the opportunity to interview medical professionals, scientists, researchers, and more, learning valuable information I never expected to hear,” shared Melanie Marden. “I think what was most surprising to me throughout my research was that there was a cure for cancer in the 1930s and that certain therapies can provide some of the most promising results for cancer patients.”

Wanting to share her newfound knowledge with the rest of the world, Melanie decided to work on a documentary, ‘Cure This,’ while interviewing notable medical professionals with a plethora of information to share. While filming the documentary, she quickly realized that there was so much to share that it wouldn’t all fit into the documentary, which led to her creating a book, ‘Save Your Life.’

“I feel the name for the book is incredibly appropriate because it’s what I’m trying to help people do. I want to help save the lives of other people, teaching them the power of healing from within. If I can make a difference in even one person’s life, I know that I’m doing the right thing and that I didn’t create my documentary and book in vain,” said Marden. “Throughout this transformative journey — a journey inspired by my mother, I’ve acquired a tremendous amount of knowledge on various topics, including cancer, vitamins, energy medicine, natural healing techniques, parasites, detoxing, and so much more. I have so much knowledge to share with the rest of the world and look forward to helping people who want to help themselves.”

And that is precisely what Melanie Marden is doing today. Now working as an energy alchemist with a passion for guided meditation, cleanses, and self-healing, she looks forward to working closely with her clients, teaching them the importance of focusing on self-healing from within to achieve overall health and wellness while beginning a transformative journey of their own.

