How To Market Your Soap Business

Samantha Lucas
6 min readMay 5, 2023


For soap makers, marketing can be a mystery. It’s so much different than other business classes. Only some strategies work similarly for everyone.

The soap business is no doubt a good business prospect. However, it needs lots of marketing support at the start to grow and be strong. You can create your soap and sell it online or at craft shows, easily making money. Moreover, soap-making can be done right in your kitchen, eliminating any upfront costs (except for a few ingredients and equipment). You can market it in different places. However, you have to narrow it down to a particular target market. This will greatly increase your odds of noticing your ads and increase sales and profits. If you have invested in the soap business and looking forward to a huge profit, then here are a few tips that could help your business grow:

Try To Make Your Handmade Product The Best Soap On The Market

Making your product the best soap on the market is all about making it stand out.

You should try to memorize your soap in people’s minds. Make each batch of soap unique, and add something special to each bar. This could be anything from using natural ingredients like essential oils or dried flowers to making your soaps in an unusual shape or color.

If you have a unique soap recipe, this is another way to make your handmade soaps stand out. If you’re using something unusual like goat’s milk or honey, this will likely get people interested in buying your products!

Be Authentic Across All of Your Soap Marketing Materials

When doing soap business marketing, it’s important always to be authentic and genuine. This means that you should find ways to share your personality and passion for the products you make and sell.

Yet, if you are launching a new soap line, make an Instagram account or take pictures of each new product you launch. Use your website as a place where people can learn more about you.

Try to provide customers with what they are looking for easily and quickly. Otherwise, they will move on if something feels off or confusing.

Define A Business Plan And Vision

Whether soap making is new to you or have a few years under your belt, you must need a plan.

A business plan outlines the steps to move your business from idea to functional. It establishes goals, tracks your progress, and communicates with others about your business and its future potential.

Your vision is an underlying idea of your company goals. It can evolve as your business grows and changes, but it’s still important to remember it while creating your plan and setting goals.

The best way to create both documents is by breaking each step down into smaller chunks — and then working backward from there!

Focus on an Underserved Niche

Starting a soap business does not mean selling only soap. You have to sell your brand and your vision. Focus on an underserved niche. Thus, it will build a loyal customer base who feels they have found something unique.

Well, it means people who need your product may look for a soap that smells like lavender or a shower bomb that will not leave their skin feeling dry. Perhaps they want something vegan or made with all-natural ingredients. Whatever it is, you must find those people and ensure they know how much you’ve got what they need!

Get Visual When Showcasing Your Soaps

Create your brand website and post there your product pictures. If you have a storefront, take photos of it and include those as well. If you sell online, add photos of your packaging — and maybe even a photo of yourself or other team members!

It’s also vital that you consider how people will see these visuals. For example, if you post pictures on Instagram, ensure they have enough contrast so they’re not just a blurry mess. Put billboards or posters in public places that are readable from far away!

Learn From Others And Build Relationships

Soap businesses are popping up, and the competition is getting fierce. To stand out in your business, learn from others and build relationships with others in the soap industry.

Look at other successful soap companies. What do they do well? Learn from their experience and apply them to your business. Contact other soap makers to ask them about their processes. When you learn what other companies operate, you will equip better to decide about your company’s direction.

Network at events like conferences or trade shows. Meet new people with similar interests so that they help you. This is an especially great way to find mentors who can guide you through tricky times as your soap business grows.

Consider Co-Branding With Other Small Businesses

Two or more companies create a product or service for Co-branding. It builds customer loyalty by accessing other brands’ customer bases. The other can pick up the slack if one company stands behind it.

Plus, getting your name is good to gain experience in marketing yourself. You can leverage another company’s reputation and credibility to make your brand more established and reliable.

Choose the right company to partner with. It will impact your brand’s success and the money it makes for both parties.

Collaborate With Influencers In Your Niche Market

It’s time to start collaborating with influencers in your niche market.

What is an influencer? People who like them follow them and emulate their style. If influencers are involved with your brand, they will share it with their audience, leading to thousands or even millions of new customers.

If you want to get started finding influencers in your niche market, there are several ways:

  • Find people who have large followings on Facebook and Instagram (you can use tools like Social Blade)
  • Look for people who post about topics related to yours on Twitter or Tumblr
  • Search for bloggers in your industry on Google or YouTube

Offer Discounts Or Coupons To Increase Sales

Bring in new customers by giving them a coupon for a limited time, like a holiday sale or any specific item sale. Introducing a new product line or increasing existing product sales is helpful. It will track customers you bring in with discounts and give you an idea of how long they will stick around after shopping.

Coupons are also effective because they allow shoppers to buy your products at lower prices. This means they’re more likely to buy more than one item — which is always good for business! Offer coupons online through social media platforms. Make them easy to find. So, people can benefit from them when they want!

Use Printed Cardboard Soap Packaging for Marketing Purposes

Printed cardboard soap packaging is an excellent way to promote your company and products. It is an inexpensive way to advertise and attract new customers.

You can use your printed cardboard packaging for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Showing off the product inside
  • Showcasing your logo or brand name
  • Providing instructions for use with the product
  • Offering information about the ingredients in the product

So, Learning your soap business marketing can be the difference between mild success and thriving soap business. If your business is crawling along and not gaining traction, try different marketing strategies that only require a little money. This way, you will get an idea of what kind of look you want on your logo. It will assume an attractive-looking soap business doesn’t mean the end of sales. Believe it or not, you are the biggest competitor to your soap business. Creating marketing campaigns and building customer relationships builds trust, propelling your soap business to new heights. So, develop a tagline that sums up your actions in a few words.



Samantha Lucas

I'm a business consultant with 10 years of experience helping organizations achieve their goals. I'm known for delivering results-oriented solutions.