Breaking down London’s boroughs: The City of Westminster

6 min readFeb 25, 2023

Each week, I will write about one of London’s boroughs. I previously explained how London is divided up and what boroughs are so be sure to check that out first. There are 32 boroughs that make up London, plus the non-borough division the City of London. (Previous borough articles: 1).

“Big Ben iS thE bEll n0t thE cL0cK!” Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

Borough 2: The City of Westminster

The first actual borough of London’s 32 boroughs is the world-renowned City of Westminster. Yes, this is the borough home to famous landmarks like Big Ben, The West End, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, and more. It is, of course, the site of much of the British government.

There it is: the City of Westminster.

Like the non-borough City of London, this borough also has the added distinction of being a city in its own right. It is the only London borough to have this distinction.

*Full disclosure: this is the borough I live in, but I’ll try to refrain from too much personal opinion.

First and foremost: the history!

Geographically, Westminster was originally an island on the Thames Marshes. Though there is evidence of Roman…




American in the UK writing about life abroad, culture, London, and other interests.