That one time Ryan and I got a dog…

Welcome to #teamweald, little Bishop!

Samantha Weald
4 min readFeb 18, 2018
The day Ryan and I met Bishop in January — be still my heart! He’s 11 weeks old here.

Despite a childhood filled with asthma and allergies, Ryan’s little sister Amy always knew she wanted a dog. She just had to patiently wait until she (and the fambam) were ready. When a year ago it was decided that Amy (and the rest of the Wealds) were getting their first dog ever… well, let’s just say, Ryan didn’t take it very well.

It is hard for me to admit it but… he’s not really a dog person. So much so that during the first few months we were dating I remember a specific conversation where Ryan said to me, “so in case this is a deal breaker, I just want to get it out there… I’m allergic to Christmas trees…. and dogs.” He believed, and he’s right, that for some people that would be a real deal breaker. But while I love Christmas trees, and was raised with dogs (pugs when I was a kid and a shih tzu through high school), I could see a future with fake trees and less dog hair no problem.

Flash forward to the day Albus the Westie came into our lives. Everything changed.

Little baby albus ❤

Ryan started going with Amy on all of Albus’ walks when we were together, ordered special dog friendly de-icer for the driveway at the Tahoe house, and quickly became one of Albus’ favorite people to say hello to and play with. I knew something special was really going on after Ryan started offering to pick up dog poop and walk little ABD (our nickname for Albus, after Albus Dumbledore) at early morning freezing weather hours. This from a guy who didn’t even want Amy to get a dog only a few months before.

As Albus has grown older we’ve watched him turn from a tiny pup into a spunky teenager. We’ve been with Amez as she’s taken him on countless hikes, played with him on his first trip to the snow, and tried to be the best auntie and uncle the little guy could ask for. The major bummer (and reality of it all) is that we live in our own house… not with Amy and Albus…. and we miss them both dearly when we are apart.

Still, Ryan’s not one to get his heart melted that easily. So you can imagine my surprise that despite Ryan’s 26 year long aversion, he casually suggested a few months ago that maybe we might get a dog one day…

12 weeks old, two weeks before we picked him up.

Flash forward (again) to a few weeks of researching, calling and talking to friends and breeders, scanning SPCA sites across California, and now…. Bishop!

He’s a Standard Poodle, born November 2017, and is joining #teamweald officially this weekend. More later about his history and why we chose a poodle. For now… just look at this cuteness. Love you so much already little Bishop.

If you want to follow along on his lifetime of adventures with us, check him out on Instagram at bishop.the.poodle — will he become the first famous #adventuredog to reign from poodledom? You be the judge =)

Feb 17th, 2018: the day we picked him up! 14 weeks old here, and already way bigger than when we met him!


