Eowyn Sword Replica

Samar Farooq
3 min readOct 6, 2020

Éowyn became a shieldmaiden of Rohan, daughter of Éomund and Theodwyn, the more youthful sister of Éomer and niece of King Théoden.

Eowyn carried a complete-sized sword, called the terrific “Eowyn’s sword” which measured nearly three ft in length, from tip to hilt. The bronze guard and pommel were styled fantastically in honor of the mares, to improve the grip of Eowyn’s small hand upon the sword. The handgrip turned into crafted with a raised center phase of three bronze earrings. This type of fuller was not unusual among royal swords of the Rohirrim.

During the War of the Ring, Éowyn becomes compelled to stay in Meduseld and take care of her declining uncle for numerous years, as he turned into weakened by the impact of Saruman and Gríma Wormtongue. When Gandalf restored the King, he prepared to guard Rohan towards Isengard. Since Théoden planned to trip to conflict himself, he asked his door warden Háma, to suggest a leader for the humans in his absence. Háma recommended Éowyn, who, though a lady, turned into “fearless” and “all cherished her”.

During the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, she fought in Théoden’s escort; whilst he and his organization have been attacked via the Witch-king of Angmar, Lord of the Nazgûl, she and Merry had been the simplest riders who did no longer flee. As Théoden laid mortally wounded, she just challenged the great Witch-King, who boasted that “no living man may additionally hinder me”. In solution, she eliminated her helmet, exposing her lengthy blond hair, and declared, “No residing guy, am I! You appearance upon a girl! Éowyn I am, Éomund’s daughter. Begone if you be no longer deathless! For dwelling or dark undead, I will smite you, if you contact him!”.

In a rage, the Witch-king attacked her, however, she cleaved the top off his Fell Beast. As he towered over her, The Witch-king shattered her guard with a blow of his mace, preparing to supply the very last blow, breaking her arm, but stumbled while Merry stabbed his leg from in the back of with a Barrow-blade of Westernesse sword, made in Westernesse centuries ago. Merry snuck up in the back of him and plunged his sword into the again of Witch-king’s knee Éowyn stabbed her sword via the Witch-king’s head, killing him, and as a consequence gratifying Glorfindel’s prophecy one thousand years in advance at the Battle of Fornost that “not by the hand of man” would the Witch-king fall.

The Eowyn Sword broke the magic of Sauron that kept the Witch-king anchored to this international. While the Witch-King changed into distracted, Éowyn drove her sword in which the top of the wraith might have been, slaying him.

The Nazgul were destroyed within the destruction of the Ring, When Merry stabbed the Witch-King, unbeknownst to him, he broke the spellbinding the Nazgûl to Arda. Though it’s miles ambiguous as to whether or not it’s due to the Ring’s destruction or because they have been stuck in the eruption of Mount Doom. Éowyn, the king’s niece, barred his way. As to what took place to their souls, neither of the canon resources on the dying of the Nazgul shows what came about to them. At that moment, Éowyn, with the ultimate drop of power she had, thrust her sword in which it might be the Witch-King’s face, correctly slaying the Lord of the Nazgûl.

For getting this amazingly sturdy sword to experience the Eowyn spirit, get hold of the superbly designed Eowyn Sword Replica.



Samar Farooq

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