The presence of the foreign minister and making decisions in real time has been decisive-GUSTAVO DE ARISTEGUI

Amarinder Singh
2 min readMay 17, 2021

Gustavo Manuel de Arístegui y San Román known as Gustavo de Arístegui was born on June 6, 1963 in Madrid, Spain. He was the son of Pedro Manuel de Arístegui y Petit. Gustavo de Arístegui originates from a long standing conciliatory foundation, his dad and granddad were both senior representatives posted as representatives in Latin America, Europe and the Middle East. Amid the military upset in Argentina, the Nicaraguan Civil War and the Lebanese Civil War, Gustavo was there, living with his dad, Spain’s minister to those nations.

Gustavo de Arístegui, the Ambassador of Spain in India

Gustavo de Arístegui, the Ambassador of Spain in India, played a vital role in the rescue of Spanish citizens during the Nepal earthquake. He was in-charge of the rescue operations of the Spaniards.

He with the help to Indian Armed force rescued more than 50 Spaniards from Kathmandu, Nepal.

He was at the airport every day and saw the operations of Indian Air Force that was carried out with professionalism, dedication of the men and women in uniform serving in those days.

Arístegui felicitated the Indian navy officers and commandants. He also awarded Ukarjit Singh this flag which is the unit flag of the Spanish military emergency unit. It is called the backpack flag. It was used originally in the 16th and 17th century by Spanish soldiers. It became a common symbol of Spain’s armed forces and later went into disuse and was brought into use again in the early 20th century.

For his support for the Spanish armed forces, in general and the projects that are focusing on in India and because of our missions in Nepal, the Spanish government gave him the highest Air Force decoration of the country.

The ambassador of Spain in India, Gustavo Arístegui explained in more than one how the situation of the Spaniards who are in Nepal is. He explains that the numbers of people not located in an operation in which “the presence of the foreign minister and making decisions in real time has been decisive,” he says. In addition, he explains the method of repatriation that is being carried out in commercial aircraft and in the Spanish air forces.

