
Samarth Kochhar
5 min readFeb 17, 2020










We live in a world of duality. Everything around us operates as opposing pairs. Maybe that’s why Newton’s law makes so much sense: Every action has an equal but opposite reaction.

I’m wanting to talk about duality as a reminder for the things we should be looking at at this crucial time for humanity. In this strange world filled with billions of human beings, everywhere we look, whether online, or in person; people, things, companies, media — all are putting up their best, in the hopes of appearing perfect.

Why? Why are we so obsessed with being perfect? Being ideal. Being fault-free?

The more this happens, the more obvious it gets that we’re moving further and further from middle, and the return from where, may take a long and painful journey.

Perfection is seductive. It lures you in. It knows where you’re weak. Its almost as if it knows exactly what you want, and becomes that, to win you over. But its a lie. It’s always been a lie. It will always be a lie.

The world is imperfect. You and I are imperfect, and the sooner we come to realize that, the better.

The world is the biggest muck; filled with crime, poverty, murder, torture, and evils that are happening on the very same land we occupy, all while we’re busy posting the perfect dinner with the perfect person on the perfect day.

The world is the also one of the most wonderful places to be. Some may even call it heaven. Its got beautiful natural areas, loving human beings, peaceful times, clean neighborhoods, joyous and smiling people, and opportunity everywhere you look.

Quite a contrast there, don’t ya think?!

Fact is, you wont have a coin if you didn’t have both heads and tails.

You won’t be able to enjoy warm weather if you haven’t seen cold weather.

The same parallel applies to all “duality” pairs we experience in our everyday life.

The push in narrative of a perceived perfection by media, culture, and stories of the rich and famous, only pulls people away from the imperfections in the world. Hence why when people spend too long in the “perfection” bubble wake-up when they travel to, and witness first hand the poverty and flip-side of lifestyle in third world nations.

Beggars, people living on the streets, hunger-stricken neighborhoods, abuse, pain, death, and suffering all everywhere you look. When I saw this, it put me to tears out of sympathy, but mostly in gratitude as I realized how BLESSED we truly are.

We live in wonderful communities. We earn a fair paycheck. We drive cars on well paved roads. We shop the best-appearing groceries and foods. We shop the best brands and use the finest tools to enhance our life.

Why are you telling us this, Samarth? We already knew that.

The reason is, that just like the world that is manifest outside, we too have a dual nature. All of us. We have good aspects to our being, we have bad aspects to our being. We have things that we’re proud of, and things that we’re not. We have things we enjoy doing, and we have thing we do while suffering. We laugh, we cry.

But is there really any value in knowing about this duality?

Yes. It’s why you are here. And its why I’m writing this. One of the most powerful things one can do in their life is Accept. Accept the good, accept the bad, without judging*. This is the key. Without judgement.

Our biases and conditioning over decades has wired our mind to find the quickest way to categorize something — via judgement. We can’ t wait to put things into buckets — buckets labelled as the various dualities mentioned above. It really is easier to do that, but we need to stop, and find the larger bucket that contains all these little buckets, and focus on that.

Everything that happens to us in our life is nature. Its neither good, nor bad. The best way to understand this is to ask yourself about the hardest thing you had to go through in your life. Looking back, would you be grateful for it, or would you neglect it out of fear of pain and suffering again? Pick the first, for that event made you stronger, more capable, and provided an experience/story you can share with others, all while sharing what you learned!

Look at things and accept them the way they are, including the world. Got into an accident. Its OK, you’re alive, and it could have been worse. Got delayed for a train? Its OK, maybe you got saved from something further down the road. Got fired? Maybe it’s time for a fresh start to achieve your fullest potential. Got rejected from a job? Maybe its not meant for you.

We never know what the alternate outcome would have been, but we need to accept things and move on with the gratitude, but more importantly, the faith that things are working out just fine.

Its how we should see the world and everything that happens around us, because there are opposing forces in nature; ones that are taking care of us every second of the way, and ones that are constantly trying to take us out. Its funny, and always cracks me up, but its so damn true.

A final note; but taking things into acceptance the way they are not only helps you see past them, and find meaning in everything around you, but it gives you a perspective that others may not have. It allows you to see a coin for what it is without biasing yourself towards heads or tails.

When this magic happens, is when you unlock the true potential of the coin, and can use it for what it is — value in exchange for something you desire. This is unity. This is what is (on an intellectual level) transcending beyond your limiting beliefs and opinions, and NOW is when you can finally do something to improve the overall situation of things.

Remember: There is no unity (also defined as being in a state of harmony) without the inclusion and willful acceptance of the the opposing pairs we exist as.

[ASIDE: In political and cultural terms, when you now look at leftists and rightists as one, all Americans/Canadians/Nationalists, like yourself, is when a nation is truly United. Sure you may not all be aligned with the same beliefs, you may fight and you may dislike, but accepting the other into your own life as they are is a first step towards creating a better world for yourself, but more importantly, for everyone around you]

