QGIS — Connecting Two points Perfectly

Samath Aravinda
2 min readJul 22, 2020



When You connecting two points of any element in QGIS you need to zoom in to depth level to connect two points perfectly. Instead of spending time on this, you can use the Snapping tool for a quick connection of point.

This is how you will end up when you just follow the marker connections.

  • Figure1 — The pointer you want to adjust.
QGIS Points — Samath
Figure 1
  • Figure 2 — Connecting the point with the second point on average zoom level
QGIS Points — Samath
Figure 2
  • Figure 3 — Connected points according to the average zoom level
QGIS Points — Samath
Figure 3

This where your Problem Occurs

  • Figure 4 — when you zoom to max level you can see the two points are not connected perfectly.
QGIS Points — Samath
Figure 4

When you working on a project it’s hard to connect points by zooming to max level each and every time.


Enable the “Snapping” on the toolbar (Figure 5) to avoid the mismatch of connecting two points.

QGIS Points — Samath
Figure 5

When the Snapping tool enables QGIS software shows you the nearest Point with a highlighted square that you can connect (Figure 6).

QGIS Points — Samath
Figure 6

Keep in mind if you are working on multiple layers/SHP files on the project make sure you have select “All layers” from the drop-down next to “snapping”. (Figure 7)

QGIS Points — Samath
Figure 7

Thanks For the Read…

