Product News — Profile Updates and appreciating Experience
As we wrap up another two-week sprint here at Samebug, we’re happy to share with you the fruits of our labours!
Profile Updates
As we mentioned in our Integration & UI Update, we’re in the process of creating a better experience for our users, and we’re starting with our Profile pages.
As you can see by the latest screen shots, we have now broken down your profile into different tabs: Overview, Tips, Bugmates and Searches.
This way you have everything at your fingertips. Your tips section will have the tips that you have written for the community as well as any thank you have received for writing these tips.
In the bug mates section, it shows you the number of your bugmates, the number of registered users and the number of all users (including visitors) who searched/viewed similar stack traces as you.
The searches section keeps a record of all of your prior searches with Samebug, so you don’t lose track of anything that you were searching for as it’s all linked to your profile.
Expertise & Companies
We’ve changed the overview of your profile page to include the following information: A bio section where you can write a bit about yourself and your professional interests, a Company Section where if you belong to a particular company or group that will be shown on your profile and our newest feature Expertise.
Expertise is a feature that tracks and rewards what you’re an expert in. We look at the solutions you create, our Stack traces, tips and thanks you get to estimate your Expertise level.
As usual, we’d love to hear your feedback on these new features either by email or in the comments down below! Don’t forget to give this blog a clap and share it on your favourite social media!