Product News — Workspaces Update

Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2017

Another sprint, another update to talk about! This week the team were focusing on updating your experience when it comes to Workspaces.

A workspace usually corresponds to a team of developers working on a project. A Samebug user can access to multiple workspaces, and a workspace can be associated with multiple users. Workspaces are used to organise and control the visibility of content generated during the project development.

Privacy Toggle

We’ve updated our Workspace to include invite buttons and ensuring you have complete control over your workspace by toggling permissions to either public or private.

You’ll even see a notification when you have set your settings to private that “your stack trace and other content are seen by invited users.” In your profile page, you’ll see a tab for workspaces. Where you shall see all of the workspaces that you are apart of. Besides these lists of workspaces, you’ll see an invite button.

Invite to Workspace

When you reach the next screen, you’ll be asked to add the email address of the user you’d like to join your workspace. (They don’t have to be already registered to Samebug to receive an invitation) When they click on their invitation to join. They’ll see the following screen.

What the invitee sees

This is where they will have an option to either discard the invitation or accept the invitation where they will become a new member of the workspace.

Workspace View

Once you return to your private workspace you will also be able to see your members in a seperate tab. Here you can add and remove members as required. Once again insuring your entire control of this workspace.

As you can tell, the team has been working really hard to refine and polish the Samebug experience. If you have any questions don’t forget you can contact us at

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