Samebug integration 0.14.0

Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2017

A new release of Samebug is out for IntelliJ Idea and Android Studio. It is the product of the first quarter, containing a bunch of new features based on your - our user - feedback.

  • Brand new UI: with this release, Samebug got a professional look. We revised how does Samebug integrates to your workflow, removed things that nobody needed and improved the rest to make their function obvious.
New solution screen with a tip and bugmates
  • Log in / sign up from IDE: You can start using Samebug just by installing the plugin. Beforehand it was a tedious process, because you could create an account only on the site, and you had to find your API key there; it’s no longer true, you can do the same directly in the IDE. At the moment OAuth logins (e.g. with Google account) are unavailable, it’s coming in the next release.
Log in screen
  • Anonymous use: If direct log in wouldn’t be enough, you can try Samebug without creating an account. You’ll still have all the features available!
  • Bugmates: When you check your crash by clicking on the bug icon, you’ll see other Samebug users who have seen similar exceptions. On it’s own, it wouldn’t be that helpful to know other people had similar problems as you, but that’s why we included…
  • Help requests: So, if you have an exception, but you notice that some other people have seen that problem before, now you can just ask them for help. You can add some free-form description about the context of the problem, but even without that, your bugmates will know how to help, because they had the same issue.
  • Answering help requests: On the receiver side, you will see a list of help requests, only those related to exceptions you have actually seen. You can answer them by writing a tip, and we will notify the questioner about your tip.
Answering a help request

