Five Hiring Process Changes To Adapt In, And Possibly After, 2022

5 min readAug 12, 2022


A technical recruiter confused about which path to take at the crossroads.
A recruiter at the crossroads of hiring process.

The wheels of hiring had never been through such a bumpy road as they have been in the past two years. It’s been a great time for hiring, inclusive of some crucial shift in the process dynamics which resulted in the employment market hitting some important milestones, but not before hitting a few potholes.

TL;DR: It’s 2022, stop hiring like it’s 2012. Best to be honest about role responsibilities, salary figures, work environment and culture because jobseekers can see right through your false promises. Automate your talent sourcing and pre-employment screening efforts, it’s efficient and saves time. Most importantly, don’t hire without proper and prior planning.

In this blog, we’ll be looking at the following points:

  1. The ‘Was & Is’ of hiring.
  2. FIVE hiring practices to abandon in 2022 and beyond.
  • Making false promises about jobs.
  • Hiring without a plan.
  • Hiring based on intuition.
  • Relying on manual hiring process.
  • Setting unrealistic expectations.

The ‘How was’ & ‘How is’ of tech hiring

Remember how companies used to hire tech talent before the pandemic? — They put out notifications through online job boards.

Employers and recruiters had to scan through thousands of resumes to source relevant candidates, screen them using aptitude tests before bringing them in for technical and HR interviews to make the final hiring decision.

The conventional process involved a lot of physical meetings, especially for the coding interviews.

However, all these efforts seemed futile when the pandemic hit the globe.

Physically meeting was impossible and so companies all over the world quickly shifted to remote-first hiring methods.

Remote-first hiring meant — Getting the word out about open positions, sourcing relevant candidates, screening them, interviewing, hiring & onboarding them ONLINE.

It all seemed well, until it wasn’t.

As this cultural shift in the realms of recruitment is fairly new, employers & recruiters are prone to making certain mistakes, which are usually avoidable.

So, we have compiled a list of certain recruiting practices that are stopping companies & tech startups from hiring passionate developers and top tech talent.

Hiring in 2022? — Stop doing these FIVE things

Hiring in 2022 is different from what it was in 2021 and before. Job seekers are more aware of their skills and requirements of work environment & culture.

Considering that it has been over two years since companies began adapting remote-first hiring methods, the leeway period of making mistakes is over.

It is imperative for employers & recruiters to inherently avoid certain aspects when hiring in 2022 and later.

1) Stop making false promises about jobs

A confused Futurama character.
Jobseekers can spot false promises.

Employers & recruiters hate it when candidates lie on the resume, similarly job seekers wouldn’t prefer to apply for a job when they spot a lie in the job description.

  • Some examples of making false promises are exaggerating about the work culture, fair pay, role responsibilities and working hours.
  • For instance, one cannot simply say ‘We have a flexible work culture for our employees’ and then deny approval for an employee to work from home OR saying we pay fair salaries on par with industry standards and then pay low salaries.

Be honest about the job description, it’s simple and it’s the right thing to do. Experience amazing tech hiring results with Codejudge’s developer campaign & honest job marketing plans, start today.

2) Stop hiring without a vision.

Vision from marvel comics.
Get vision now!
  • Hiring without a vision means, not having a clear cut plan in terms of work assignment, project allocation, team building etc.,
  • Are you hiring fresh talent just because you have received funding, or in anticipation of new projects in the future? — Please don’t!
  • A vague hiring plan can only result in mass layoffs and major losses.

Plan first, then hire!

Start planning now, talk to us today.

A hiring plan will rightly prepare a company to deal with any outcome.

3) Stop hiring based on intuition.

Megamind pointing to his head.
Only Megamind can be Megamind.

You’re not MEGAMIND, so don’t make guesses about candidate skills.

  • It’s 2022, stop using hiring processes from 2012.
  • When it comes to hiring in tech, making hiring decisions based on guesswork will hurt your chances of growth.
  • It is time to make informed hiring decisions through using smart hiring tools that leverage technology and data.

Always choose information over intuition. (Codejudge enables access to candidate performance insights on 127+ code metrics, this will help you make informed hiring decisions.)

4) Stop using a manually-driven hiring process

A recruiter surrounded with paperwork and tired of all the manual work.
Pch.vector on
  • Automation is the KEY to saving time and money while hiring top talent.
  • If someone is still manually sourcing & screening talent, it puts them behind in the race for top tech talent.
  • By automating tasks like pre-employment screening and assessments, employers can save about 60% of the hiring time.

Don’t hesitate, automate your pre-employment screening today!

5) Stop setting unrealistic expectations

The word ‘unrealistic’ written on paper and torn enough to separate ‘un’ and ‘realistic’.
Image by © Bigandt
  • It is important to have relevant & realistic expectations from job applicants.
  • For instance, an employer/recruiter shouldn’t label a job as ‘entry-level’ and then ask for 3–5 years of experience. Or, mention a long list of duties or executive level responsibilities and then pay low salaries for it.
  • It is necessary to be true to your requirements because job seekers can see right through it and perceive your company as a toxic workplace.
  • This eventually drags down your company reputation & talent attraction factor.

Being real appeals to top talent & passionate individuals. Boost your talent attraction element with Codejudge!

Improve your hiring momentum meaningfully with Codejudge, Let’s talk today!

