Looking for a HackerEarth alternative? — Your search ends here!

3 min readSep 23, 2022


Codejudge V HackerEarth

Try Codejudge, the best HackerEarth alternative.

Codejudge is a tech hiring accelerator that enables tech companies and enterprises to meaningfully speed up tech talent sourcing, screening, interviewing and hiring.

Codejudge uses coding assessments derived from proprietary real-world project methodologies to evaluate developers.

Five things that Codejudge does differently from HackerEarth

1) Real-world micro-projects for multiple tech roles

  • Codejudge enables recruiters to create skill & role relevant coding assessments using proprietary real-world project methodologies.
  • With assessments that partially or fully simulate real-world project-level tech tasks, developers can be truly evaluated on their technical competencies.

2) Enables employers & recruiters to customize assessments as per their needs

  • On Codejudge, recruiters can completely customize the assessments starting from the questions, difficulty levels, tech roles, candidate invites, proctoring features to candidate managements and more.

3) Ranks candidates based on their performance

  • The leaderboard enables recruiters to shortlist candidates by taking one look at the candidate leaderboard.

Codejudge ranks candidates not only based on their functionality, but also code quality.

  • Moreover, the performance & skill reports, which provide deep developer insights into 127+ code metrics, will make a recruiter’s job simpler, besides helping them make informed decisions.

4) Enables recruiters to pool their programming questions along with MCQs

  • This is a Codejudge-only feature. Recruiters can pool programming questions within their assessments.
  • This has proven to be an effective measure to tackle any cheating practices and ensure a fair evaluation of every candidate.

5) White-labeling is applicable on Codejudge

  • Companies may choose to use our products & services as a white-label entity. This unlocks a holistic set of possibilities in terms of branding and talent attraction.

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Here’s why companies love hiring developers on Codejudge

  • Codejudge enables enterprises to source, screen, assess, interview, hire tech talent for multiple tech roles with real-world coding assessments, micro-projects, MCQs, data-driven reports and more…..

And all of this at one place!

Companies love that Codejudge serves as a one-stop solution for all of their talent acquisition needs.

  • Codejudge supports 20+ coding languages, 50+ technology frameworks. It’s a flexible and robust environment, our code editor has advanced language servers making it a fully developer-savvy space.

This puts our product amongst the top 4 in the world to provide this premium feature.

  • Codejudge provides companies with a completely secured system to conduct hiring assessments.
  • With full-fledged anti-plagiarism, anti-cheating measures deployed in a fully proctored environment, companies can acquire candidates who are genuinely skilled, knowledgeable and job fit.

Here’s a detailed comparison table

A comparison table of feature between Codejudge and HackerEarth
Codejudge V Hackerearth

Get Codejudge today! — Talk to our team for meaningful tech hiring solutions and build 10x engineering teams.

