Technical Recruitment: How to Hire the Best Talent.

2 min readOct 7, 2021


Technology recruitment has become the prime game that everybody wants to win!

Technical Hiring — How to?

In a digital-first world, technology in all forms and shapes is a basic necessity. Technology has become the driving force of innovation in a post-industrial world, especially now more than ever. In a world where all companies want top-performing engineering teams, the task of Technical Recruitment requires the foremost importance and attention.

So, even before having the thought of recruiting technical talent for your company, you must hire a technical recruiter.

Decoding the Tech Hiring Equation

The job of this person is what it reads. Except, it is not even remotely close to being simple or easy. A technical recruiter is geared up with the knowledge and skill to recognize the right talent for the role. This job entails for the person to channelize through a mighty amount of candidate profiles with an eagle eye for role-specific talent.

The Art of Technical Recruitment:

  • It is a sophisticated job function that involves identifying potential talent through assessments to shed light on the candidate’s professional performance persona.
  • A technical recruiter, usually an engineer, acts as an intelligent manual filter between companies and talent.
  • The job requires them to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in the technical recruitment field.
  • Because talent acquisition is a challenging assignment, recruiters sometimes use assessment tools and technologies that assist them in creating effective hiring strategies.

Some of the tools akin to technical recruiters are assessment automation platforms and live coding interview utilities. Recruiters are on the lookout for talent assessment platforms that accelerate hiring and fairly evaluate candidates to build skill-accurate talent pools.

Codejudge, for instance, falls under this category of providing effective hiring solutions with automated technical assessments with real-world problem-based micro-projects and personalized developer campaigns.

Here’s Why Codejudge Approach Works

Codejudge speeds up technical recruitment by 10x and improves hiring accuracy by evaluating candidates on real-world tech skills and providing performance reports against 127+ code metrics. Recruiters can make informed and data-driven hiring decisions. Read more here.

Automate Technical Assessments with Codejudge!

  • Codejudge Assessment Suite: Recruiters can build role-based assessments by choosing from multiple templates or customize their own with real-world micro-projects. Recruiters provided with candidate performance reports can make cognitive hiring decisions.

Moreover, Codejudge also offers to run personalized developer campaigns for companies amongst a richly sourced developer community. Codejudge has launched JUDGEPAD, a real-time coding interview tool. Read more here.

By inference, as global organizations buckle up for digital transformation, companies must hire skill-accurate talent. Because hiring wrong in this economy will cost a fortune.

Consult us to accelerate your technical recruitment with 10x developer talent.

