Coding is Easy. Learn It.

Sameer Khan
4 min readDec 11, 2017

It’s a common misconception that programming is difficult. It’s really not. Problems do get challenging but you also get better with time. It’s all about practice.

Coding is Easy.

Take away all the syntax and all you’ve got is just a block of text that is logically arranged with different functions that should do something. Anything. Solve a math problem or make a game. Your imagination is the limit. Just to prove coding is easy, I’ll give you a break down of a sample code in the programming language Python.

This is what happens:

  1. The value of x is set to 34–23
  2. The value of y is not an integer but a group of characters called a “string”. In this case it is set to “Hello”
  3. The value of z is set to 3.45
  4. If the value of z is equal to 3.45 or y is equal to “Hello”, perform the following.
  5. x is now equal to x plus 1
  6. y is now “Hello” + “World”
  7. Output or “print” the value of x. It will output 12.
  8. Output or “print” the value of y. It will output “Hello World”.

There you go. You just read and understood code. As I have mentioned, take away all the syntax and it’s simple problem solving. Programming will introduce you to conditional statements like our “if” statement above and many other concepts that will assist you in completing tasks with the help of technology!

A popular programming language Python is a great place to start if you want to learn coding!

There are different programming languages but they are not difficult to learn after you become experienced with one language. For example, you can easily understand what this sentence means below:

I’m writing a LinkedIn article in my free time.

That was a simple line in English. But how does it look in other languages?

French: J’écris un article LinkedIn dans mon temps libre.

Spanish: Estoy escribiendo un artículo de LinkedIn en mi tiempo libre.

Japanese: 私は自由な時間にLinkedInの記事を書いています。

The sentences above look completely different in three different languages. But, they mean the exact same thing. It is the same with programming languages. You just need to learn the syntax and you can program in another language.

Arguably the easiest programming language, HTML is the building block for most websites.

Why should you learn to code? It’s considered a skill comparable to reading and writing nowadays. Here are some reasons why coding is a good skill to have:

It Will Always Be Relevant

Coding is the base for all of our computer programs, operating software, websites, phone applications, and all video games. Technology is everywhere and the building block for it is coding. It’s always going to be around you for the rest of your life. With exponential growth in technology there will always be a need for programmers in future years.

You Can Become A Creator

Why only play video games or use websites? Why not make your own for fun? You can be one of the thousands of contributors to the global web and with your skills do anything you wish. It’s amazing when you could create something of your own and share it to the world. Being a creator also opens up many business opportunities.

Thousands of Job Opportunities

Computer science jobs are expected to raise by 25% in the next 5–10 years. The highest expected job growth rate for any career in the future. Some of the largest companies in the world such as Google, Microsoft, Apple, many software and hardware companies, etc. all have a huge amount of software-specific jobs. If you don’t plan on working for these companies, you can become an entrepreneur and start creating your own product/service and possibly become the next Google.

Get Started With Coding!

Resources to Get Your Programming Career Started!

Hope you learned something new from this article! Please try out coding if you haven’t already. Don’t be scared to try new things. Things will seem difficult at the start, but if you put your time and effort, it will be very fun! Trust me!



Sameer Khan

A young student passionate about Artificial Intelligence.