Body Language: What does lower lip biting mean? Get a clear idea of people around you

Self-aware Guy
4 min readNov 2, 2023


Hello readers...
Quick question. Do you bite your lip? Especially, your lower lip?(not your lover lip>⁠.⁠<)

What a stupid question man, everybody does that.

Yes, you're absolutely right. It's a pretty common gesture. But do you know the real meaning behind this gesture? Many of us have seen this gesture. But some of us don't care what's going on in a person's mind when he/she does this.

After reading this, you could decipher the hidden message in a person's mind. But I have a humble request. Don't invade other's privacy. Keeping a distance from their private space is necessary for a strong relationship. Use these and upcoming techniques only when it's necessary. Now let's go.

Note: People bite their lower lips for plenty of reasons. Firstly, I'm not here to talk about the physical or medical reasons for chronic lip biting. That's different. When analyzing body language, context and baseline are of prime importance. A body language analysis without context and baseline is like a building without a foundation and pillars.

Pacifying Behaviors

When we feel stressed or uncomfortable. Our limbic system will try to push our body back toward a comfortable state. During this process, our body will show some gestures. Pacifying behaviors signal that the individual is uncomfortable about someone or something and he/she is trying to make him/herself feel more comfortable. Some examples of pacifying behaviors include: Rubbing the back of the neck - This is a common pacifying behavior among men when they feel uncomfortable. Clutching a necklace - Common pacifying behavior among women.

Category of Uncomfortable Emotions:

‌and more...

Lower Lip Biting

You'll often observe 'lower lip biting' in people who are feeling such emotions. For example, a person displays this behavior frequently when you having a casual conversation with them. It's unlikely to show such a gesture during a casual conversation. So they could be uncomfortable with whatever you said. Or they could be uncomfortable about the place where both of you are standing. Or they could be uncomfortable with you.

Or they could have some serious lip problems like chronic lip biting. Or they got something inside their lip. Or they got a scar on their lip.

See, the reasons are plenty. But how do we separate the actual reason from others? That's where the importance of baseline and context comes to the party. If you have a piece of baseline information about the person, then you're free to eliminate many unnecessary fictional reasons. And if you're aware of the context, you could find the actual reason behind the lip-biting.

Also, people tend to bite their lower lip when they're concentrating. Some people tend to restrain their smile or laughter by doing this, while others block their excitement using this gesture.

This is why I always say, "CONTEXT IS IMPORTANT!!!."

"Lower lip-biting" is a highly accurate signal.

If you accompany this signal with other signals, like pupil constriction, head-patting, stress lines, temple vein throbbing, fidgety fingers, and finger tapping, you'll get a solid conclusion and a much deeper understanding of the person.

Once again, Respect people's privacy...

I’ll be posting more articles about Hidden Details Deciphering, Deductive/Inductive/Abductive Reasoning, and Non-Verbal Communication.

Also, I’ll be sharing articles about self-improvement, routine management, and more. I think you just learned something, you can learn more.

Self-aware Guy

Self-aware Guy

