Let’s Learn Coding: Introduction and Basics

Learn Coding with Modern JavaScript

Samer Buna
9 min readAug 29, 2017

I had the privilege of starting to learn to code at a young age. While this has its special benefits, I think it is never too late to start. It is going to be a bit harder for you to create the coding habits that you will need, but it is totally worth it, and not just financially. Coding is my hobby and I hope for you to join the club, one whose members make money doing what they absolutely love to do and willing to do just for fun!

I will be with you every step of the way in this journey answering any questions you have. If you are serious about learning to code, you are going to have a lot of questions. Ask away in the comments below!

Let’s write a Computer Program.

What is a Computer Program?

Computers can read text and understand it in many different ways. A computer program is just some text we write for the purpose of having the computer translate it into instructions that the computer will perform after that.

The story begins with you writing that text, for example:

Add 5 to 2 then print the result to the screen

You write that text in a language; we call it a programming language. The language I used above is just English. We need to use one of the programming languages that computers can understand, like Java, Python, or JavaScript.

I am going to go with JavaScript in these articles because your computer already understands it. JavaScript is the language that makes the Web rich. It is the language with which Facebook, Twitter, and every other web application is written and it comes ready in your browser.

If we were to use another language, like Java, we would have to download and install separate programs to make the computer understand these languages. At some point, you will need to do that.

To write the computer program text above with JavaScript, here is the syntax that we need:

let result = 5 + 2;

We can now tell the computer to read this program text and translate it into instructions it can perform. Computers can only understand 1s and 0s, so the text above will be translated into that. Once the computer has instructions written in 1s and 0s, it can use its resources (like CPU, memory, network) to perform these instructions. For our example, it will use the CPU to do the math, the memory to save the result, and the screen pixels to show you that result.

You can test the program text above in your browser’s development console or just head to jscomplete.com/repl and paste the code in the editor panel and hit the run button. The magic will happen in the background to show you the answer in the preview panel.

Of course, this is a very simple program text with clear instructions, but no matter how complicated the program gets it will really remain just that: a set of instructions that you write in a programming language which the computer is going to translate and execute line by line.

To be able to write useful computer programs, you need to learn the “syntax” of a computer language. Programmers are fluent in their computer languages of choice just as they are fluent with their human languages. Fortunately, learning a computer language is a lot easier than learning a human language.

In the program text that we wrote above in JavaScript, what is “let”, “console”, “log”, and why is every line terminated with a semicolon? This is all syntax that you need to be fluent in.

Let’s start here with the very basics.

The concepts of variables and expressions

When we write:

let result = ...

We are basically telling the computer to create a variable. This is just the terminology that you need to start using. A variable is just a storage unit, a place in the computer memory. The computer will simply reserve a space in its memory and label it as result.

You can actually instruct the computer to just reserve the space (without any initial value set in it):

let undefVar;

With the line of code above, the computer will just reserve the space in its memory, label it as undefVar. The value of this undefVar remains undefined.

However, when we defined the result variable above, we also instructed the computer to perform a mathematical operation, take the result of that operation, and place it in the memory space that is to be labeled result.

That happened when we wrote 5 + 2, which is known as an expression in the programmers’ terminology. This expression contains an operator (the + sign). The computer recognizes this operator and the integer values, and it will perform the math operation and figure out that this expression is equal to 7, which is the value it can now use to change the content of the memory space that it is going to label as result.

Of course, the computer understands many other operators. Go ahead and try the characters -, *, and / instead of +. You can do that in the embedded playground below (click on the editor to edit, re-run with Ctrl+Enter):

Edit code above and press Ctrl+Enter to execute it

You can also combine operators to solve more complex mathematical expressions. Try this expression, for example: 2.2 + 0.8 * 5. Note how the mathematical precedence rules apply here as well, and so is the use of parenthesis to indicate an alternative. Try (2.2 + 0.8) * 5.

The many expressions you attempted all resulted in values which were stored in the memory space labeled result on line 1.

The semicolon is the JavaScript’s way of saying we are done with this line. Without it, the computer is going to attempt to join the next line with current one. For example, the addition example above can be written on multiple lines like this:

let result = 5 
+ 2;

Since the first line did not have a semicolon, the computer continues to the line after that and only concludes the operation when it sees a semicolon.

Let’s now understand the next line. What is this console.log thing?!

The concepts of objects and functions

In the new language terminology that we are learning, console is called an object and log is called a function. The log function is a property of the console object. Let’s walk through these new concepts one by one.

An object is a special variable in memory. It is a collection of memory spaces, not just a single space like what was reserved for the result variable above. Every memory space allocated for an object can be identified by a property on that object. For example, here is an object with three memory spaces labeled result1, result2, result3:

let obj = {
result1: 1 + 2,
result2: 3 + 4,
result3: 5 + 6,

In this example, the computer will allocate a collection of three memory spaces and collectively label them as obj. Then, it labels the first space as result1, puts a value of 3 there (after evaluating that expression), puts a value of 7 in the second space, and finally 11 in the third space.

We can read the values out of this object using the dot notation. For example, to use the value of the result2 property, we do:


We can also change the value of result2 using the same dot notation:

obj.result2 = 42;

We can also use the bracket notation to read and modify any property:

// Read Value
// Modify Value
obj['result2'] = 42;

The bracket notation has its special uses but, in most cases, the dot notation is preferable. For now, just be aware that there is a bracket notation and always use the dot notation.

You can add and remove memory spaces (properties) from any object later on. We will explore objects in more details in a future article. What we need to understand next is the concept of a function.

The console object above had a single memory space labeled log. That property has a special value stored in it: a function.

A function in a computer program is exactly like a function in Math. It is a relation between a set of inputs and a set of outputs.

After we define a function, we can call it. That is what we did with console.log, we called it with a single input: the result variable. To call a function, we simply use the parenthesis syntax: functionName().

The console.log function takes the result input and prints it out in the console screen. It does not do any transformation on the input. Functions can do that too.

We did not need to define the console.log function because it is already defined internally in the browser’s engine. It is actually not part of the JavaScript language itself but rather added to the browser’s environment. More on this later!

JavaScript comes with many other predefined functions. For example, there is a built-in Math object that has many mathematical constants and functions to calculate trigonometric operations, logarithms, square root, exponent power and many other mathematical operations. Here’s a few expressions you can explore:

Usually, as a coder, you will be writing a lot of functions. So let’s learn how to do that.

Defining functions

The syntax to define a function in JavaScript is to use the keyword function and give the function a name. For example:

function add(arg1, arg2) {
// Do a transformation on arg1 and arg2
// Then return a value

I named the function add and made it receive two inputs: arg1, and arg2.

Arg is short for argument. A function can have zero or more arguments. Inside the function body, which we created using the curly braces, we will have access to arg1 and arg2 once that function is called. For example, we can call the function add using this syntax:

add(10, 5);

This means: execute the body of the function add above and while you do that, assign the value 10 to arg1 and the value 5 to arg2.

Inside the function’s body, we continue writing our program text line by line. In the example above, I used comments inside the body. These comments are simply ignored by the computer. They are there for the human eye only. Any line that begins with // is a comment line in JavaScript. Different computer languages will have different syntax for these concepts, but the idea is the same.

In JavaScript, you can also do multi-line comments using the /* ... */ syntax:

All this text
will simply be
ignored by the computer

Let’s now replace the comments with something the computer can do. Here is an example implementation of the function add:

function add (arg1, arg2) {
let result = arg1 + arg2;
return result;


Every time the add function is called (elsewhere in the program text), the computer will reserve a memory space and label that as result. It will then evaluate the expression arg1 + arg2 using the values we pass to the add function as arguments when we call it. It will then place the result of that operation in the memory space that is labeled result.

The line that follows begins with a return keyword. That is what the output of this function is going to be. In this example, the function reads the memory space labeled result and returns that value as the output.

How do we test this function? A function call is also an expression, which means we can use that output as the value for another variable. For example:

let output = add(10, 5);

The function add allowed us to abstract the addition operation into its own entity instead of doing that operation directly like the first example we started with. This is a useful concept in programming for many reasons, but most importantly:

  • Many programs can now call the same add function.
  • If someone else manages the add function, we do not have to worry about what is going on inside it. We can just use the function to get the expected behavior. The owner of the add function might later decide to use a different implementation to perform the addition operation and in that case our program that used the function would not be affected.
  • The owner of the add function can test that function in isolation of the code that actually uses the function. Testing code is a big concept that we will explore in depth in future articles.

Functions are very useful. Whenever we want to make code generic and reusable, we can abstract that code into a function and call that function instead.

Your Homework

Do the following exercise right now. There are easy!

1 — Write a function multiply that takes three arguments and multiplies them together.

Here is an example of the expected output:

multiply(1, 2, 3); // should return 6
multiply(10, 10, 10); // should return 1000

Here is a template for you to work with:

Here’s the solution.

2 — Write a function that will calculate the area of a triangle given a base and a height measurements.

Here is an example of the expected output:

triangleArea({ base: 15, height: 4 }) // should return 30
triangleArea({ base: 6, height: 9 }) // should return 27


  • The triangleArea function will receive one argument that will be an object. That object will have two properties: base and height.
  • You can use the dot notation to access these properties inside the function’s body.

Here’s a template for you to work with:

Here the solution.

Use the responses form below to ask me any questions or leave me any feedback. Thanks for reading.



Samer Buna

Author for Pluralsight, O'Reilly, Manning, and LinkedIn Learning. Curator of jsComplete.com