the goo you’re in

express your yes
Published in
3 min readSep 18, 2018

it’s fashionable in some circles to talk of collective consciousness and universal connectedness.

a mind set to the tempo of a femtosecond struggles to walk the walk.

say you started to believe the universe to be a continuous fabric. say you set your mind, your body, your moment in jelly. one that stretches over your skin into your rectum, over your eyelids, onto your mom’s arm hairs and donald trump’s toenails. hugging the deepest-dwelling sea creatures … and the stars that make up orion’s belt, and all in between.

every glance, every wave, every step moves the jelly around you, sending waves out into an infinite three-dimensional horizon of goo.

now think about this: our linear, rational understanding of reality, according to scientific measurements, accounts for at most five percent of the universe’s makeup, probably less.

over ninety-five percent of the stuff that we can measure with our senses and most advanced sensory-enhancing instruments is largely unstudied, its properties and role unknown.

dark matter/energy is massive, it is everywhere, and it is invisible to our naked senses.

imagine now that this “dark”, hidden substance is the goo through which all our egos form a highly complex network, much like the brain’s neural system.

thus, every thought you have, every inclination, every intent turned to action jiggles this mysterious jelly.

— your presence tickles the stars. —

say you believe so thoroughly that every single atom in the universe is connected to everything else. perhaps you then understand how your every move and breath and blink and fart and stare and nap jiggles every other thing in the universe. even if just a little bit. — it’s something that lasts forever. … extending into the past for eternity: always a part of the initial conditions that led to (y)our new present moment.

your presence is an effect on the universe.

imagine a wind-up toy on your desk. as you get ready for work the toy plays two notes even though nobody had wound it in weeks.

magic? dark energy? same same?

every tick of the toy’s gear tooth plays a chord. when the toy stops, its gear is right on the edge of a tick. the pressure changes in the room. a gust from the window carries in a series of soundwaves. a door slams, the floor shakes. all at once the air, the waves, and the vibration converge on the poised gear and nudges it over the edge.

— the jelly jiggles with the jingle of another chord. —

now what if you had a relationship with the goo, understood it so intimately, so intuitively (maybe not intellectually?) that you could guess how your next breath, or step, or thought, or word could instigate jiggly goo chain reactions that lead the toy’s gear to tock one more tooth.

your mind can affect things its body is not physically touching.

it’s an elegant idea of magic. tried-and-true natural laws are upheld while space is carved for a mind to expand into infinite possibility.

some (lightly tested) theories—

it’s a practice of intuition. keep in mind what you want to happen. then decide moment-to-moment with your gut, with no-mind — in decategorized flow instead of pragmatic plan.

set your mind right. plan. then let your flow go.

the more you feel indistinct from your mind-woven reality, the more skilled you will be at directing the unfolding moment. you can’t have complete control — you are a director with a cast of actors; you have powerful sway.

my own experience tells me that plain intent and steely focus on desire doesn’t spontaneously cause the reality you seek.

focus on desire, then release & move.

movement engages reality’s most powerful tool: randomness. once you move, random bits bump around and desires manifest.

intuitively-charged action inspires the universe to conspire with you, to guide the random bits in your favor.

in this world there are millions of objects and each one is, respectively, the entire world…as there is no other time than this, every time-being is the whole of time: one blade of grass, every single object is time. each point of time includes every being and every world…in essence, all things in the entire world are linked with one another as moments — dogen

