Why Andrew Tate Must Go

3 min readMay 6, 2024


The hype around toxic influencer Andrew Tate needs to stop. Now. And I mean right now. Too many people, especially men for obvious reasons, admire him. And for all the wrong reasons. And why? For what? How? Because he’s an underrated genius? No. Because he’s highly intelligent? No. Because he’s culturally groundbreaking? Fuck no. No, no and no. A million billion trillion nos.

Because he’s a highly manipulative, narcissistic and exploitative arsehole who’s used his largely male-based audience to serve himself and his online scams. The man is also deeply misogynistic and sexist. He’s also proud of it. His brother Tristan is just as bad as he is. The deeper issue, of course, is Tate has influenced men to the point where extreme misogyny, sexism and toxic masculinity have become normalised. Not just for older men but for younger adolescents, including those who are still in high school.

They shouldn’t be normalised. Not at this current point in our still patriarchal Western civilisation, including in modern 21st century Australia. All this rampant normalisation of misogyny, sexism and toxic masculinity is disturbing and wrong, especially when you address current domestic violence statistics concerning Australia and other countries. Too many women are getting killed by their partners on a weekly basis.

This is largely due to misogyny and the fact some men believe the patriarchy is an entirely good thing. It’s not. They also believe they’re entitled to abuse, control, dominate and manipulate their female partners physically, mentally and emotionally. They’re not. And they believe anything that supports feminism, women’s rights and others’ rights must be an unfair affront to so-called men’s rights. It’s not.

Additionally, they believe women and many vulnerable others aren’t entitled to have a voice on these systemic issues in relation to accountability, law, justice, change, equality, freedom, safety, and more. They’re wrong. They’re all wrong. Every single one of them. And if you deny it you’re in the same boat as them. You’re also in the same vile boat as Andrew Tate, who’s openly described strategies men can use to control and abuse women.

Does he care I’m upset about this? No. Of course he doesn’t. All he cares about is himself. He certainly doesn’t care about his impressionable fans, the majority of which are young, straight, white and male. He certainly doesn’t care about the women he’s abused and exploited for his own personal gain. And he certainly doesn’t care about media critics who label him misogynistic and oppose what he stands for. No.

He only cares about himself. Let me repeat that: he only cares about himself. Andrew Tate is looking out for Andrew Tate. This is what these fake, dishonest and narcissistic types are like. They pretend to be original, brilliant and relevant to gain attention for themselves at the expense of everybody else. They pretend to have the best interests of everyone at heart. But they don’t. They never could. They’re only interested in serving their interests. This is why Andrew Tate must go. For good. Forever. Then I’ll be able to say good riddance.




World citizen. Feminist. Writer. I write about feminism and other issues.