Are You Living In Frigid Zones! These Are Your Best Companions

Sam Gabril
3 min readFeb 21, 2022


Loved watching The Game of Thrones? Fantasizing about living in the cold woods? Or do you live in Alaska?

If you answered yes to these questions, scroll down to find what you need for your cold adventure!!

What To Buy To Combat Frost Bites?

Humans are warm-blooded animals. Meaning we DO NOT adapt to temperatures out there. Before going out for an adventure, always ask yourself, am I a reptile? If the answer is no, please consider buying a warm wardrobe collection.

Start with your feet, the first contact with the snow. Buy boot heaters and heated socks for hunting. With the extreme cold out there, double protection is necessary. And of course, heated gloves for work. Be it hunting or just walking around, heated gloves are a must. No one wants black fingers, now do we?

Why Should You Buy Boot Heaters, And How Does It Work?

Boot heaters are lined with metal plates and cords connected with external batteries. These help warm your feet, especially your toes making your walk-in snow a pleasant experience. So next time you are out hunting or just clearing snow, make sure you wear your shoes before stepping out.

Difference Between Warm Socks And Heated Socks

Warm socks are wool or fleece-lined, fully fabric socks worn to provide warmth. But they are very bulky and work only as an insulator for your body heat. Whereas, Heated socks, on the other hand, are lined with metal cords attached to a battery that is sleek and much comfier.

A pair of branded heated socks generate heat and not just work as an insulator. Now when you have an option between getting extra heat or getting a little warmth, who in their sane mind would want to choose warm ones… Right?

Freezing Cold Survival Is Not Fun!!

Living in a frigid environment is not human-friendly. It is just not meant for human survival. Yet those who manage to live in such environments deserve our salute. It is an ordeal to live there.

One requires a great deal of equipment to survive. Comfort comes much later; even necessities require external assistance. Your regular fleece jacket would never work there. A hot coffee would have to be consumed in mere minutes, else enjoy a cold brew on the house!

Usual winter problems get heavily escalated in colder regions. You have to have dry skin issues, jammed sinuses and a lot more. Also, let us not forget the pertinent risks of frigid zones: Hypothermia, Frostbites, and heart problems.

Be Challenges Ready And Face The Winter

When one considers going to such frigid zones, it is essential to be aware of the challenges you might face in such environments. And consider going only after some serious consideration. According to research in 2012, if a person spends 2000 calories a day, they will spend at least 80–120 additional calories in a freezing environment. The lower the temperature, the greater the calories burned. But this is not a call for a fat-burning regime. Remember, you age faster in colder regions!

But if, after all, you do decide to go live in such harsh environments, remember to stock your wardrobe with loads of body warmers, heated jackets, heated socks for hunting and working, and boot heaters, as well as space heaters for each room of your house. And don’t forget to take electric kettles with you, else all you will see is ice, inside and outside your house.



Sam Gabril

Sam Gabril is a Blogger & Freelance Writer. He is passionate about Traveling. He loves to explore high treks, outdoor activities and many more.