In politics, poor locals are the sidepieces & corporations are the spouse.

Sam Grays
3 min readJun 6, 2018


Dear Mayor Frank Jackson, I believe open communication is one of the most important elements of any relationship. Witholding the truth is the same as telling a lie also. So…

I’ll be the first to admit, it was me who showed up unannounced, uninvited on an early Sunday morning for breakfast that time..

From the breakfast @ Frankies video

Ok so there, your turn, you can tell me now….

Oh, you still look confused…

Its ok, we the 31,196 have gotten you elected for an unprecedented 4th term now….It’s pretty clear we trust you. In fact voting for anyone is more than punching a hole in a ballot. There’s alot of faith and confidence behind each vote…So…Please..Tell us…

Ok I don’t know where this is coming from, while campagining for reelection on your barbershop & beauty salon tour you were so open with everyone and answered every question. You even stayed 90 mins past the allocated time to answered the questions thoroughly..

Mayor Frank Jackson Campaigning for reelection

So just tell us, even if you think it will hurt…


We can take whatever answer you give us Frank..

We deal with freezing winters and violent summers.

We swim and fish in polluted waters

We absorb continuous decades of sports dissapointment

We’ve watch the killers, I mean the police get away with murdering unamred Tamir Rice, Tanisha Anderson and many others.

We’ve see the car that was shot 137 times killing unamred Timothy Russell and Mellisa Williams..

Again, believe me, we can handle it, again and again…

We wont overreact emotionally no matter what you say. The 35% of those who live below the poverty line are too busy trying not to starve to cause a riot.

Remember everyone thought we would riot at the RNC? Well we didn’t..

Black Lives Matter in Cleveland refuses RNC protest regulations

See? So you can trust us Mayor Jackson. So please tell us your Amazon Proposal. As I’ve stated we don’t have the highest expectations due to low self esteem but we can handle bad news probably better than anyone.

Besides. We voted for you, you weren't going to give Jeff Bezos 30 million dollar tax breaks or 7 billion in tax incentives, like the other cities were you?

We understand Jeff is richer than all of us combined but he didn’t vote for you, we did. So for another 4 year our prioriteies comes first. To cater to bezos demands should be a conflict of interest and violates the established parameters of our relationship.

Or maybe your one of those people who think its better to withold the truth to spare our feelings. As I clearly stated earlier we can handle it, so tell us…We wont get mad…

Sincerely the 31,196



Sam Grays

Independent thinker, Creator of Melanated media news