Tools for Authors to Streamline Their Writing Process

Samantha Griffis
3 min readJan 26, 2023
A man signs books in a library.

For authors, the writing process can feel like a minefield. You need tools that help you keep track of your ideas, stay organized, and write more efficiently. Thankfully, there are plenty of tools out there designed specifically for authors to make the writing process easier. Let’s take a look at some of the best ones available today.


This is one of the most popular and powerful tools available to writers today. It’s essentially an all-in-one workspace where you can organize, plan, and write your book or other projects in one place. Scrivener also has several features such as a corkboard view (which helps you visualize how scenes fit together), a research folder (for storing notes, images, audio files, etc.), and templates for different types of documents that help you get started quickly.


Evernote is a great tool for organizing all kinds of notes and ideas related to your book or project. It allows you to quickly capture anything from images and webpages to handwritten notes which can later be searched and organized into notebooks or shared with others if needed. Evernote’s mobile app is also very helpful for managing information on the go.

Google Docs

A powerful cloud-based word processor, Google Docs allows writers to easily collaborate with others on their work in real-time by sharing documents online and editing them simultaneously without having to send back multiple versions over email. It also stores all your documents in Google Drive so they are always backed up in case they get lost or damaged somehow.


Jasper is an AI system used to author blog posts. While it can be easy to completely automate your blog, you should still take time to read and perfect each article. Jasper’s system is very simple and easy to use. You simply answer a few short prompts and hit generate!


Amazon has many affordable tools to help you write. One great example is this “Writer Emergency Pack”. A few more are these: this “Character Development Journal,” this “The Storymatic”. I recommend all three for ideas and prompts for when writer's block hits.

These are just some of the many tech tools available today that authors can use to streamline their writing process. From organizing ideas and collaborating with others to writing more efficiently and backing up documents safely — these tools can help make the writing process much easier than it was before technology took over our lives! Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced author, these tools will help take your writing skills to the next level.

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Samantha Griffis

Hello! I am an 18 year old Computer Science hopeful! I am disabled, and I rely on my husband to pay for basic necessities.