Samuel Agunbiade
2 min readNov 22, 2022

Seek Clarity over Speed

Our world is filled with pressures from different angles seeking us to fulfill a desire that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with our lives.

We see things people are doing, and because it makes sense we also want to jump into it so we can be named as a part of the trend!

A lot of people start a business, project, career, etc. Without knowing why they are doing it. A lot of people want to quickly climb the ladder of Success without the ability to define what success is to them.

No matter how fast you can run, if you're going in the wrong direction, you will never reach the right destination.

Many people make important life and business decisions without first considering their priorities. It’s easy to waste time running in the wrong direction when you do not take time to evaluate where you want to go.

It's important to know where you want to go before you step out. Don't just fight as those beating the air! Fight with purpose, and run with a destination in mind. It's better to be late than be fast and end up in the wrong place.

Before you start, seek clarity! Be sure of what you want, how you want it, and when you intend to achieve it! Speed is good but clarity gives meaning to Speed!