The type of tutor you should NEVER have.

Sami Dhan
9 min readMar 11, 2019


hey guys it’s me Lisa welcome back to my channel and today we’re going to be talking about the type of tutors you should never have so I would say that these days majority of students do have tutors whether it’s just that one tutor for their weaker subject or tutors across all of their subjects you guys are going to be looking for tutors at a certain stage whether it’s going to year or year or even earlier than that and it gets so hard because there are so many tutors out there and how do you know if the one shooter that you’re going to hire is going to be that perfect shooter for you to really help you strive for your goals and excel in that particular subject it’s hard because more often than not best male female private tution provider in delhi ncr tutors are online these days and they give you a little blurb about themselves and then that’s pretty much it that’s the only basis you’ve got any you ask me for a starting session and you just go from there so I want to make a series of videos about shooters just because I’ve been on board fans I’ve been a student myself and so I’ve had several tutors in the past and I’ve had my fair share of some great tutors but also some not-so-good ones and now that I finished school I’m on the other side I would shooter now and so I’ve seen those the years what students are looking for what they’re happy with and also what they’re not so happy with so if you like the advice that I give you throughout this video please give it a thumbs up so that I know that I should be making more about shooters and so that way you guys can hopefully have a really good guide as to what you should look out for but also what you shouldn’t look out for in shooters and the latter half is exactly what we’re going to be talking about today the examples I’m going to give you today are going to be English bass since all of you are studying a particular type of English but definitely feel free to apply all the advice I give you today to other subjects as well because I’m sure that the content you learn here is applicable to any of those subjects really first thing is a tutor who thinks that they’re better than you so you’re probably asking me hey Lisa don’t I want a tutor who’s better than me I mean they especially specialized in that particular subject and this person er Higgs about it and that’s what I want right well yes of course that’s what you want but I’m talking about something else a little different what I’m talking about here are tutors who behave in a more secure way and also in a condescending way towards their students I’ve had students come to me where they tell me how they treat it in the past you know it has one particular view of a text and that’s it and if you don’t agree well then you’re wrong but that’s not what English is about English is all about encouraging different perspectives on a text and encouraging different interpretations of a particular character or a particular idea and that’s pretty much the beauty of English the fact that it’s sore or open and I know that for some of you you actually don’t like English because of this because there are no boundaries there are no right and wrongs but try to see it from this other side where you can push yourself to the limits and no one’s going to stop you and your tutor definitely shouldn’t be stopping you if you’ve got a tutor who is not open minded they only see things their own way and they think that they’re better than you in that their knowledge is the one and only way and that’s pretty much about it that is definitely warning sign second one or two does to help you write your essays okay so again you’re probably like hey wait a minute no no no no no okay I only show you a little story about my literature tutor when I was in year yes I had a literature Cheeta and no I did not do well in it in the end but there is a moral to this story so let’s just call her Margaret so I was pretty happy with my tutor I thought she was pretty good and she was really intelligent and she knew heaps about the text that overstudy then one day came where she was like okay I’m going to write up an essay for you and then you can have it afterwards and I thought oh my gosh fantastic I’m going to have more resources to help with my studying because at that time she was never really want to give you that many sample essays so she actually drove all the way to my school in order to give me this essay just a random day throughout the week that wasn’t our shooter in session and I don’t know why she just didn’t wait for our tutoring session but yes she came all the way to my school and so I met her in the parking lot which sounds really dodgy but anyway so I met her in the parking lot go to the car and she handed me the essay and I said thank you so much I’m going to I really have a look at this and try to improve my literature writing and I was about to leave the car and she goes is that it and I was thinking what what and she goes that’s going to $ because that’s how much I paid her per hour for this session and I was flabbergasted I didn’t know what to do and when I was younger I was quite shy and a little bit more reserved towards elders so I kept my shock in and I just gave her the money that was in my wallet that I had saved up for all my lunches and the food that I was going to buy for the rest of the week so it was pretty sad I kind of wish I have stood up for myself and said wait a second I don’t want your essay if I have to buy it am i buying your allowance for me to plagiarize you like I just didn’t really understand what was going on so anyways that was that and then she pretty much said to me you know just write this Liat sack and I’m sure you’re going to do just fine for me I’ve always been really proud of my work I’m the type of person where if I do well I’m it’s got it’s going to really boost my confidence and I’m going to be proud of what I’ve done because it’s it’s come from me it’s not because of someone else that I’ve done well but it’s it’s all here okay so I had a read of her essay and I was like okay you know what I’m going to write my own essay because that’s what I was planning to do anyway and then I’m going to show my teacher my shooters effort and then just get an idea of what she faced so I did my sack and then that was that and then later on I showed my teacher my tutors essay I didn’t say it was my tutors essay but I just said hey this is an essay I have can you have a look at it and you know what’s really funny I got an A which I was so happy with because it was completely unexpected because I read my tutors essay and it was just sensational it was full of all these big vocabulary points there’s a whole paragraph that I didn’t even understand just because I was at the time and it was just you know the ideas were just too big for me to really comprehend so I was really really happy um I was I was amazed and so then when I gave in my tutors essay guess what my teacher came back to me and she said this is a BSA and I was like whoa hey whoa um I was really shot again but I was like hang on a minute this is my tutors work and yet she she didn’t get a mark as high as mine how could that be and then I realized it’s because I knew what the requirements of the sack were so I wrote my essay in compliance with what they required of me in the sack whereas her essay was just great but it wasn’t what I needed and so what I learnt from that was that one don’t plagiarize and if you don’t plagiarize often good things will come back to you just like it did for me and after that I pretty much just kicked her out because I was like you know what I don’t want to have a cheater who encourages me just to steal her work and just to present it as mine because what does what does that say about me as a person but also secondly how is it going to help me in my final exam it’s not going to because by that stage all you have a memorized portions of someone else’s essay and you’re not really going to develop the skills in order to write a really in-depth and insightful essay and you’re not going to have that comprehensive knowledge that you gain by writing your own essays so I am completely against plagiarism and I know like plagiarism everyone knows it’s a bad thing but people still do do it and all I can say to you is that if you plagiarize you’re not really doing yourself any good because your tutor is not going to be there in your sacs and in your exams so dude warning sign don’t take onboard these shooters instead you want a shooter who is really better to help you to help you generate and garner those skills that you need so that you can write these complex and amazing essays so that you can have a really powerful understanding of the text that’s what a tutor is supposed to do you want the tutor who’s going to drive you in the right direction but if you’re going to pleasure ace going the wrong way burn third thing and this is definitely applicable to English but it’s if the shooter doesn’t read your text oh my gosh I get really frustrated when students come to me and they’ve had English tutors in the past and they tell me that their cheater didn’t read their text or didn’t know anything about their takes cuz it’s just like how is your tutor supposed to help you if they haven’t read your book how are they supposed to break down those prompts with you how they’re supposed to show you the way that the author uses metaphors or alliteration how they’re supposed to show you how to write a damn essay about this particular text I think that is a massive Niner and you know that each shooter is going to be good for you if they haven’t read the text yet they say to you know what don’t worry about it I’m going to read it before we started so that I’ve got really strong knowledge in this text and I’m going to be able to guide you from there and you know not reading the text just because they’re busy is absolutely not an excuse this year I cheated about twenty or so students and it was the first year that I started doing full-time chittery so each of these students they’re all studying their individual four texts so I had to read about texts all in the first couple of months while teaching and you know what I did it it was really hard work and I was constantly reading but I knew that this was important to my students and I knew that I wouldn’t be the best shooter that I could possibly be if I didn’t read their text and this is the same when it comes to any other subject because let’s just even say for biology or psychology courses are constantly changing and if you want a good shooter the tutor is the type of person you will always be up-to-date no matter what they won’t let themselves go and only know what they knew back in school but they will ensure for you and to guarantee you that they will know absolutely everything that is required of you in your course and that’s it so I’m currently editing my work right now and I realized that I had actually deleted the rest of that video with me explaining more stuff about things that you should look out for in tutors but anyways that’s okay because the video is getting a little bit long if you liked the video please give it a thumbs up thumbs up to me if you want to see more about this especially since I cut out some of the advice that I gave you so I definitely have more in store for you guys later on and subscribe if you haven’t already and comment below there’s anything you want me to talk about in the future and I’ll see you guys later bye when I stop my studies school I was really upset I was just bawling um let’s just say that I got less than Up next

