Procrastination? We Don’t Know Her: Time Management Tips for Action Takers

Stop Scrolling, Start Slaying

Samina Hameed
5 min readApr 25, 2024
a procrastinating women

Have you ever hit “snooze” too frequently? Have you ever spent hours “researching” the project, scrolling on social media? Yes, you have been flinging with procrastination. It is the cunning beast that gossips “later” even when deadlines approach. But wait on, my fellow achievers! We can overcome this productivity glitch. Here is how to master time management master and kill procrastination for good.

What is Procrastination and Why does it matter?

Procrastination is the habit of delaying or postponing something. It might give the momentary joy (hello, instant gratification of that funny cat video!), but it destroys your long-term objectives. All of sudden, that overhanging essay seems impossible, and that weekend project takes over your valuable free time. Oh no!

Why do we procrastinate? There are numerous reasons, but some typical offenders are:

  • Fear of failure: We may put off starting a task out of concern that we would not finish it well.
  • Feeling overwhelmed: Taking on a big, complicated assignment can be intimidating, which makes us postpone it.
  • Lack of interest: Some tasks are just boring, let’s face it. But hey, what do you know? They would not get any more interest if you ignore them.
  • Perfectionism: The obsession with perfection can paralyze us and keep us from taking any action at all.

Control the To-Do List Brute: Strategies for Effective Task Management

task management
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

“Procrastination is the thief of time, collar him.” _Charles Dickens

Beating procrastination begins with mastering your to-do list. Here are some tried-and-true methods to turn your list into an ally rather than an enemy

  • Chunking: Divide complicated activities into manageable portions. It seems much less scary, isn’t that right? Imagine “write history essay” vs. “research key events,” “write thesis statement,” and so on. Chunking is incredibly motivating since it helps you see progress along the way and makes jobs feel more achievable
  • Use the Pomodoro technique: Work in concentrated 25-minute gaps with short breaks in between. This method assists you in staying focused and preventing burnout. Maintaining a sharp focus on the subject at hand and feeling energetic is similar to engaging in a mental workout. There are several free Pomodoro timer apps available, so you can easily apply this technique.
  • Set strict priorities: Not every task has the same importance. Decide which ones are most important — those with short due dates or those that have a big influence on other tasks — and start working on them first. To assist you in setting priorities, make use of a method such as the Eisenhower Matrix, which groups tasks according to their importance and urgency

Pro-Tips for Maintaining Focus: Eliminate Distractions and Boost Productivity

Everybody has distractions that annoying pinging notice, the seduction of social media, the never-ending list of household chores that needs to be done. Here is how to block out distractions and maintain focus.

  • Silence the distractions: Switch off your phone and close any open tabs on your PC. Apps that block distracting websites and social media can also be found. These apps have a time limit. I mean, out of sight, out of mind.
  • Find your power zone: Are you a morning person or a night owl? Plan your most intense work for when your concentration is sharpest. Understanding your innate energy levels might help you plan your time to be as productive as possible.
  • Give yourself a reward: Did you finish some of your project? Enjoy a brief game or a nutritious snack to celebrate. Giving yourself a reward after finishing a task helps you stay motivated and strengthens good habits. Just watch out that the prizes you select don’t turn into more distractions
  • Establish a separate workspace: Setting aside space for work or study aids in focusing your attention and reducing outside distractions. This may be your favorite coffee shop (as long as it’s not too noisy!), a desk at the library, or a peaceful corner of your room.
  • Embrace the power of “no”: Do not be scared to turn down offers that would cause you to overbook yourself and lose focus. Prioritizing your own responsibilities and wellbeing is acceptable.

Beyond the Checklist: Building Habits for Long-Term Success

There is more to time management than fancy to-do lists and productivity tricks. It is about developing routines that promote your objectives and general wellbeing. The following are some essential tactics for long-time success

  • Set SMART goals: Goals that are time-bound, relevant, measurable, specific and achievable will provide you with a clear path to success. Ambitious objectives such as “do better in school” are demotivating and difficult to monitor. Instead, set a goal like “by the end of the semester, improve my science grade by one letter.” This particular objective enables you to track your development, maintain motivation, and modify your study techniques as necessary.
  • Make time for self-care: Procrastination is a common result of burnout. Plan time for things like reading a book, hanging out with friends, or getting adequate sleep — things that will help you unwind and rejuvenate. A rested and balanced you will be far more effective.
  • Accept the power of “just start”: Often, the most difficult thing to do is to take a start. Do not wait for the ideal circumstances or the right time to act. Just get going, even if it’s just briefly. As soon as you start, momentum tends to grow and finishing the task gets easier.
  • Monitor your progress: Seeing your advancement is a powerful incentive. To keep track of your accomplishments, use a planner, an app that tracks habits, or even just a plain notebook. Observing your personal development will motivate you to keep going.
  • Find an accountability partner: It might be quite beneficial to have a friend or classmate who is also pursuing a goal. You can stay in touch, provide encouragement, and recognize one other’s accomplishments.

Remember Mastering time management requires experience. Don’t give up if you make mistakes occasionally. Simply get back up, dust yourself off, and resume your planned course of action. This is something you can handle!

