Releasing @Yeee 1.0

Samir Boulil
2 min readNov 12, 2019

How does Slub work ?

Goal : Improve the feedback loop between Github pull requests statuses and teams using Slack.

A bridge between Github & Slack

Slub listens to any PR sent to review in slack in a squad channel where it is in (and where slub is configured to listen to). Once Slub hears a PR to review, it will start keeping track of some information like:

  • The number of comments (GTMS, Refused and simple comments), the
  • The CI status (Green, Red, or Pending)
  • When The PR is merged


Whenever a new change happens to a PR, Slub will notify the author and/or the squad of the change using Slack.

Notifying the Author

The author is notified each time a teammate reviews a PR or when the CI terminates

Author notifications such as “Your PR has been commented” will be sent to Slack in the thread where the PR link was sent (hence, only the author is notified that a new message was sent in a thread).

  • The author is notified whenever a review is added to the PR
  • The CI status changes

