How Do You Know You’re Humble?

Samita Mistry 🇨🇦😊
4 min readJun 12, 2019
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Some people think being humble can be a sign of weakness so they prefer to keep their guard up and not show that weakness. And sometimes in given situations maybe being to humble may get you no where. There is a time and place to be humble. If your looking for a position or promotion which requires you to prove yourself, then of course you want to let your qualified skills be known. But it can still be known with out being cocky and arrogant.

A humble person is confident in themselves, they don’t think so highly of themselves and act like their better than others and at the same time they don’t think negative and low of themselves either. They pretty much are sure of who they are and that is okay. When they are wrong they admit it and the apologize. I admit I have had problems admitting I was wrong in the past and had a problem apologizing until I realized that I wasn’t being humble, my pride would not let me admit my mistakes and even apologize for it. I thought I had to be right all the time. Thank God for the Bible and books on self improvement, that really opened up my eyes!

They don’t act like they have a point to prove and when someone wants to start an argument they know how to choose their battles wisely and how to defuse it. I know that I have had to back down and just let some arguments go because I already knew that the other person was ignorant or they…



Samita Mistry 🇨🇦😊

Follower of Jesus. Abuse and depression survivor. Write, speak, breathe and love Personal Development and Self-Improvement, and Finances