My Favourite Book

1 min readJun 10, 2020


In this project, I have created a good looking landing page in HTML for my favourite book Horrid Henry. I have done it by myself. When I was starting it, I was thinking that it’s very easy but I was wrong. The code I have created is very simple, but the project looks pretty good. First a fall, I wrote the HTML which for easy for me. Then I started styling the page. This to was a project from (

Lessons in Priple were easy for me. When I was starting the project, I was thinking that I will add a video so I did. But when I was done with it, It was not looking good so I removed it. Here is the picture that I created.

This is my project. In my opinion, it looks good. It’s pretty simple but looks good. Kids should learn different things in this situation because everyone has time. No school, no work.



